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Minerals local plan 2010 issues and options consultation

The main purpose of this consultation stage is to invite comments and suggestions on a number of key issues and options which need to be considered at this early stage of Plan preparation.

Preparation of the Derbyshire and Derby Minerals Core Strategy (later becoming the  Derbyshire and Derby Minerals Local Plan) commenced in 2009. The county and city councils held a stakeholder workshop which discussed the spatial characteristics of Derbyshire and Derby, the Plan’s vision for the future of mineral development and the key issues that it would need to address. Results from the workshop were used to inform the Issues and Options Consultation.

The issues and options consultation is the first wide ranging stage of plan consultation aimed at communities, businesses and environmental groups.

The main consultation report includes:

  • spatial characteristics of the plan area including minerals and their extraction
  • a spatial vision and plan objectives
  • main issues in terms of the extraction of important minerals within the plan area and possible options
  • a call for sites from mineral operators who may which to promote a site for mineral working over the plan period to 2030

It is accompanied by an evidence-based document which provides further details on the important minerals within the plan area. The comments received from this consultation will inform future preparation of the minerals local plan.


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