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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Minerals and waste planning policy

As a mineral and waste planning authority we have a duty to prepare a local plans setting out strategic policies to address our priorities for the development and use of land in our area relating to the provision of minerals and the management of waste. 

Local plans form part of the development plan for an area and are important documents that we use to assess planning applications for minerals or waste development.

When an application for minerals or waste development is made, it is considered against the policies contained within the Mineral and Waste Local Plans, as well as those of the applicable district or borough local plan, national policies and any other material considerations.

The current development plan relating to minerals and waste is made up of:

  • the saved policies contained within the Derby and Derbyshire Minerals Local Plan (adopted 2000 and amended in 2002) - policies MP8, 9, 14, 20, 26, 30 and 31 have now expired
  • the saved policies contained within the Derby and Derbyshire Waste Local Plan (adopted 2005) - policy W1a has now expired

Supplementary planning guidance has been prepared for the after-use of sand and gravel sites and although not part of the development plan it is a material consideration in assessing planning applications:

  • supplementary planning guidance on the After-Use of Sand and Gravel Sites (adopted in 2004)

In preparing local plans we are required to prepare a number of other documents:

  • the Statement of Community Involvement sets out, amongst other matters, how we will involve members of the public and other interested stakeholders in the preparation of their local plans
  • the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme sets out the current programme for the preparation of the forthcoming planning documents that will, when adopted, replace those listed
  • the scheme informs the public of what we are proposing and when, and at what stage, people can expect to be involved in the process

Please note that the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme is currently under review. When this is complete the new development scheme will be published.

We are, together with Derby City Council, currently preparing a new Minerals Plan and a new Waste Plan.