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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Waste Plan

The new Waste Local Plan (being jointly prepared with Derby City Council) will replace the existing Waste Local Plan (adopted in 2005).

It will guide waste related development in Derby and Derbyshire (outside the Peak District National Park) until 2035 by setting out the general locations for the major facilities and the principles we will use to decide planning applications over this period.

Both councils have been working on background information for the plan including carrying out the 'Duty to Co-operate' with other waste planning authorities in relation to strategic cross boundary movements of waste, as evidenced in the Environment Agency Waste data Interrogator.

We have also been discussing with the borough and district councils in Derbyshire the potential availability and suitability of existing and proposed industrial areas for the development of waste treatment facilities.