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Highways infrastructure asset management

Highways infrastructure assets are the elements that make up the highway such as roads, pavements, drains, bridges and street lights and road signs.

The Guide to Highways and the Asset Management Annual Review were published in September 2024 and will be updated annually.

Asset management is about understanding these assets, then using the information we hold about them to prioritise how we look after them in a cost effective way.

The emphasis is on managing our infrastructure assets efficiently and effectively by focusing on investing in long-term planned maintenance instead of short term repairs.

It's about making the best use of available resources to keep our highways in a condition that makes them safe and reliable for all users throughout their lifecycle. For example, it may mean a road is patched rather than resurfaced, but in the order of importance it is still fit for purpose for its level of use.

Asset management is about using data to manage risk and keep Derbyshire on the move to support the economic, social and environmental well-being of the county.

How we manage this data is described in our data management strategy, which is attached to this page.

To manage our assets we need to know:

  • the type of asset
  • where it is located
  • why it is at this site and its value within the road network
  • when it needs to be inspected, maintained or replaced
  • how long it will last and how much it will cost to replace or repair throughout its lifecycle
  • who is responsible for looking after and repairing it

Priority roads

The resilient network is the name given to roads we give priority to protecting in adverse conditions. Usually this is extreme weather – snow, ice and flooding – but it may also include events like industrial action and major incidents. Around 10% of the over 3,000 miles of road we manage falls into this category.


Our highways infrastructure asset management policy and strategy documents are attached to this page. They set out how we will deliver road-related services against our key priorities. They take into consideration residents' needs, the condition of the asset and how best use can be made of available resources.

Guide to highways

The guide to highways is attached to this page. It provides an overview about the different services provided by Derbyshire Highways on our behalf, with a useful A to Z guide listing different organisations' responsibilities.

Asset management annual review

The asset management annual review is attached to this page.

The road network includes a diverse range of assets including pavements, streetlights, road signs, bridges, drains and traffic lights.

The review explains the county council approach to maintaining assets across the road network and progress to deliver targets to meet the Council Plan priorities.

The document also outlines the expenditure across the service.


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