We've updated our systems and all forms on this page now work with Apple IOS devices.
Road condition
Report a pothole or general road condition issue.
Road signs and street furniture
Report a road marking, traffic sign, bollard or safety fence issue.
Drainage, flooding and ironwork
Report an issue with a drain or flooding.
Pavements and cycleways
Report a pothole, pavement condition or issue with kerbs.
Trees and vegetation
Report an issue with grass, hedges, trees or weeds.
Traffic signals and crossings
Report an issue with permanent or temporary traffic signals and pedestrian crossings.
Gritting and grit bins
Report an issue with our winter service.
Public rights of way
Report an issue with a public right of way.
Report an issue with a bridge, retaining wall or rock face.
Highway request
Request alterations to our highways network to improve road safety and the flow of traffic.
Street lighting and illuminated sign or bollard
Report an issue with a street light, illuminated sign or bollard.
Street cleaning and obstructions
Report an obstruction, fly tipping, spillage, debris or graffiti.
Bus stop, shelters and real time information
Report an issue with a bus stop, shelter and real time information.
Parking requests
Make a civil parking enquiry relating to a parking exemption, requests for enforcement, residents' parking scheme, suspensions or penalty charge notices.
General problems
Report a general issue or see our full list of services.