Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.
96 results shown for search keyword primary
List of the members of the Derbyshire Schools Forum including school and non-school members.
Some schools have supplementary forms for you to provide information to help with the assessment of your application for your school place.
The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (CIL) 2010 (as amended) require that we must produce an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS).
You can use our normal area school finder to find which school serves the area where you live.
Check if your road is on a gritting route, when it was last gritted and if any roads are closed because of snow or ice.
Our vision is to encourage parents and children to choose more active, healthier and environmentally friendly ways of travelling to school.
Our trading standards officers can provide practical advice and guidance to any Derbyshire business to help them comply with the law.
There are some important dates you should remember for making your application for your child's secondary school place.
All of the data listed in the open data section and on this website is (unless otherwise stated) governed by the Creative Commons CCO 1.0 Universal Licence.
We're here to help, support and guide you and your child through their time at school. Find out about school life, how to choose a school and apply for a place.
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