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Infrastructure funding statement

Annual infrastructure funding statement 2021/2022.

  1. Introduction
  2. Planning obligations
  3. Annual infrastructure funding statement requirements
  4. Infrastructure funding statement
  5. Examples of infrastructure delivery through S106 in 2021/2022
  6. Future spending priorities

1. Introduction

1.1 On 1 September 2019, the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (CIL) 2010 (as amended) came into force and require that contribution receiving authorities must produce an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS).

1.2 The IFS provides a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions' activity relating to Section 106 Legal Agreements (S106) for the previous financial year (1 April to 31 March) and must be published by 31 December every year. The CIL regulations specify the financial information which must be included within the IFS.

2. Planning obligations

What are Section 106 agreements?

2.1 Planning obligations represent an important funding stream for the provision of infrastructure and services needed to deliver sustainable growth. They are also commonly referred to as 'section 106' and/or 'developer contributions'. A planning obligation is a legal obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and is entered into to mitigate the impacts of a development proposal. S106 agreements are most commonly agreed between a local authority and a developer and are attached to a planning permission.

2.2 S106 planning obligations assist in mitigating the impact of unacceptable development to make it acceptable in planning terms. Planning obligations may only constitute a reason for granting planning permission if they meet the 3 statutory tests as set out in the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2010 (as amended) and in paragraph 57 of the NPPF. They are:

  • necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms
  • directly related to the development
  • fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind

2.3 We are responsible for the delivery and operation of much of the large scale infrastructure required to support development such as highways, schools, libraries and waste. Our requirements for S106 contributions are set out in our Developer Contributions Protocol. Our planning services work closely with local planning authorities to identify the impact of proposed development and ensure the infrastructure requirements needed to support development are identified through the local plan process.

What is the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?

2.4 Another type of planning obligation is the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which is a planning charge introduced by the Planning Act 2008 as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area. Local authorities (as a charging authority) can choose to introduce a CIL which is calculated on a £ per square metre (sq m) basis on new development, with some exemptions or reliefs. The charging authority should specify in their charging schedule what types of development are liable for the levy and the relevant rates for these development types. Under the legislation, county councils cannot be a CIL charging authority, however county councils can collect the levy charged by district and borough councils on developments for which the county council gives consent.

2.5 In Derbyshire currently the only authority which charges a CIL is Chesterfield Borough Council. The borough council has developed a CIL Expenditure Strategy which sets out how the council will evaluate the specific infrastructure projects to prioritise which CIL will fund, in order to support growth and development across the borough.

3. Annual infrastructure funding statement requirements

3.1 On 1 September 2019 amendments to the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) came into force which introduced a new duty on contribution receiving authorities to prepare an Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement.

3.2 The CIL regulations require under Regulation 121A, that no later than 31 December in each calendar year a contribution receiving authority must publish an annual infrastructure funding statement which comprises the following 3 requirements:

  • a) a statement of the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure which the charging authority intends will be, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL (other than CIL to which regulation 59E or 59F applies) ('the infrastructure list')
  • b) a report about CIL, in relation to the previous financial year ('the reported year'), which includes the matters specified in paragraph 1 of schedule 2 ('CIL report')
  • c) a report about planning obligations, in relation to the reported year, which includes the matters specified in paragraph 3 of schedule 2 and may include the matters specified in paragraph 4 of that schedule ('section 106 report')

3.3 Section 4 provides the Infrastructure Funding Statement detail as required by the CIL regulations, followed by case studies in section 5, to help demonstrate how s106 projects are implemented and infrastructure provided to mitigate the impact of development.

4. Infrastructure funding statement

Based on Regulation 121A here is our Infrastructure Funding Statement covering the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

Regulation 121A part a) - infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure which the charging authority intends will be, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL

4.2 Derbyshire County Council is not a CIL charging authority.

Regulation 121A part b) - the CIL report

4.3 Derbyshire County Council is not a CIL charging authority. County councils can only collect the levy charged in accordance with the district or borough council's Charging Schedule, on developments for which the county council gives consent. Currently the only CIL charging authority in Derbyshire is Chesterfield Borough Council. No consents which were chargeable developments were issued by Derbyshire County Council in Chesterfield Borough in 2021/22.

Regulation 121A Part c) - the Section 106 report

4.4 The detail set out in each section of this Section 106 report is based on the requirements set out in Schedule 2 of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended) and records only those obligations applicable to the county council.

4.5 Please note with regard to the classifications, travel and transport has been categorised as the revenue funding associated with the provision of new or extended travel services and travel plan monitoring. The remaining categories encompass capital funding for infrastructure.

a) The amount of money to be provided under any planning obligation which was entered into during 2021/22
PurposeTotalAmber ValleyBolsoverChesterfieldDerbyshire
ErewashHigh PeakNorth East
Primary education £6,304,187.28 £2,161,402.10 £4,091,255.41 CIL £0 £0 £0 £0 £51,529.77
Secondary and
£6,113,623.70 £3,054,257.50 £2,694,816.46 CIL £0 £0 £206,945.40 £0 £157,604.34
SEND £76,769.99 £76,769.99 £0 CIL £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Highways £571,340 £21,500 £544,840 CIL £0 £0 £5,000 £0 £0
Travel and
£34,815 £12,165 £12,500 CIL £0 £0 £5,075 £5,075 £0
Libraries £8,020 £8,020 £0 CIL £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Waste £0 £0 £0 CIL £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Total £13,108,755.97 £5,334,114.59 £7,343,411.87 CIL £0 £0 £217,020.40 £5,075 £209,134.11

4.6 In the reporting year, namely 2021/22, 13 S106 agreements were signed containing 34 obligations amounting to a total of £13,108,755.97. Further information regarding these agreements is contained in Appendix A.

4.7 Where a S106 is signed on an outline permission, the maximum potential contribution has been included in the figures. This may reduce at reserved matters stage when the number of dwellings is finalised. Developer contributions are only payable should the development be delivered.

4.8 It must also be noted that the figures provided are a snapshot in time and planning obligations can be renegotiated at any point where the local planning authority and developer wish to do so.

b) The total amount of money received under any planning obligation during 2021/22
PurposeTotalAmber ValleyBolsoverChesterfieldDerbyshire DalesErewashHigh PeakNorth East DerbyshireSouth Derbyshire
Primary education £4,618,835.38 £1,168,740.29 £162,487.96 £96,203.29 £0 £398,965.35 £216,843.28 £673,195.93 £1,902,399.28
Secondary and post-16 education £5,487,326.65 £1,135,100.13 £96,815.10 £0 £0 £0 £0 £388,453.19 £3,866,958.23
SEND £77,929.66 £77,929.66 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Highways £940,333.92 £58,336.60 £60,113.43 £5,303.03 £50,000 £100,000 £0 £579,720.00 £86,860.86
Travel and transport £89,304.80 £16,803.70 £45,526.71 £0 £2,484.98 £0 £6,206.24 £11,833.33 £6,449.84
Libraries £46,059.57 £8,059.57 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £18,000 £20,000
Waste £10,253.90 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £2,266.20 £7,987.70
Total £11,270,043.88 £2,464,969.95 £364,943.20 £101,506.32 £52,484.98 £498,965.35 £223,049.52 £1,673,468.65 £5,890,655.91

4.9 A total of £11,270,043.88 S106 funding was received during 2021/22. Further information regarding contributions received is included in Appendix B.

c) The total amount of money under any planning obligation which was received before 2021/22, which has not been allocated by the authority
Primary education £9,122,095.70
Secondary and post-16 education £4,069,087.81
Highways £2,553,919
Travel and transport £470,001
Libraries £0
Waste £30,401.15
Countryside £33,927.80
Total £16,279,432.46

d) Summary details of any non-monetary contributions to be provided under planning obligations which were entered into during 2020/21, including:

i) in relation to affordable housing, the total number of units which will be provided - nil

ii) in relation to educational facilities, the number of school places for pupils which will be provided, and the category of school at which they will be provided - nil

4.10 Of the S106 agreements signed in 2021/22, obligations have also been secured for developers to directly deliver works towards:

  • production and implementation of travel plans
  • bus service enhancement
e) The total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was allocated but not spent during 2021/22 for funding infrastructure
PurposeAmount allocatedAmount spentAmount unspent
Primary education £806,391.22 £71,283.32 £735,107.90
Secondary and post-16 education £3,200,201.08 £0 £3,200,201.08
Highways £30,463.68 £30,463.68 £0
Travel and transport £0 £0 £0
Libraries £46,059.57 £0 £46,059.57
Waste £0 £0 £0
Countryside £6,600 £6,600 £0
Total £4,089,715.55 £108,347 £3,981,368.55

4.11 Further information is included in section g) regarding those funds allocated in 2021/22 which remain unspent.

4.12 It should be noted that the majority of S106 agreements include specific criteria that governs how the funding must be spent. In a number of cases once a contribution has been received it will not be committed to a project until sufficient funding has been accrued to deliver that project. This may involve pooling contributions from more than one development. Unallocated funds are under review by the relevant services.

f) The total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was spent by the authority during 2021/22 (including transferring it to another person to spend)
Primary education £1,473,932.01
Secondary and post-16 education £2,062,241.92
Highways £343,320.83
Travel and transport £59,624.86
Libraries £0
Waste £0
Countryside £6,600
Total £3,945,719.62

4.13 Further information is including in section h) regarding funds spent in 2021/22 and the projects on which the funds were spent. Please note the projects which have been delivered may have been delivered in advance of the receipt of S106 funds in order to provide the infrastructure in a timely manner.

g) In relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was allocated by the authority but not spent during 2021/22, summary details of the items of infrastructure on which the money has been allocated, and the amount of money allocated to each item
LocationProjectTotal amount allocated in 2020/2022
Kirk Langley Primary School 3 block extension £87,372.23
John Port Spencer Academy sixth form extension £1,736,351.56
Glebe Junior School adaptation of outbuilding to form group rooms £53,026.36
Etwall Primary School phase 1 extension - 2-classroom block £14,336.08
Tibshelf Community School 4-classroom block £833,563.71
Queen Elizabeth Grammar School towards 6 additional classrooms £289,074.72
Clowne Infant and Nursery School educational facilities within the school £7,104.54
Hallam Fields Junior School 2-classroom extension £505,578.06
Somercotes Infant School new group room £11,549.53
The William Allitt 3-classroom block £341,211.09
Wessington Primary School Extension and internal remodelling £56,141.10
North Wingfield Library new stock and facilitates £18,000
Etwall Library new stock £20,000
Libraries in Belper vicinity new stock £8,059.57

h) In relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was spent by the authority during the reported year (including transferring to another person to spend) summary details of:

i) the items of infrastructure on which that money (received under planning obligations) was spent, and the amount spent on each item
LocationProjectAmount spent
Aston on Trent Primary School classroom extension £2,227.80
Belper School & Sixth Form College creation of PE classroom £13,818
Bolsover Nursery CE additional classroom £7,593.18
Boulton Moor Primary School new primary school £180,573.31
Brockwell Junior School modular building to provide a group room £296,314.08
Clowne Infants and Nursery School additional teaching and dining space £1,993.02
Woodbridge Junior School new classroom £5,069.74
Duke of Norfolk Primary hall extension £456.77
Etwall Primary School phase 1 extension - 2-classroom block £486,536.76
Glebe Junior School adaptation of outbuilding to form group rooms £15,578.79
Hallam Fields Junior School 2-classroom extension £22,033.24
Hasland Junior School playground improvements £26,683.80
Highfields School all weather pitch, improved changing rooms and toilets £559,510.96
St Johns Primary, Ripley single classroom extension £184.50
Clover Leys Spencer Academy new primary school £28,560.35
Laceyfields Academy remodelling school entrance for safeguarding purposes £158,048.96
Overseal Primary School extension to create secure lobby, office and new toilets £200,718.37
Queen Elizabeth Grammar School towards 6 additional classrooms £104,857.41
The Ecclesbourne School new English block £1,163,701.07
The Pingle Academy towards a 10-classroom block including science facilities £202,119.21
Tibshelf Community School 4-classroom block £18,235.27
Willington Primary creation of full size classroom and library extension £41,359.34
Travel Plan monitoring various sites £59,624.86
Quarry Hill Rd, Ilkeston bus stop improvements £48,000
Shirland bus stop improvements £20,000
Gypsy Lane, Creswell Clowne Branch Greenway - new link to Creswell £30,463.68
Swadlincote Woodville to Swadlincote bypass £171,297.45
Buxton Dale Road / High Street / West Road / Green Lane junction improvement £12,500
Hilton pedestrian crossing - Derby Road £26,258.99
Repton Footpath 27 footpath improvements £5,076.26
Bolsover traffic monitoring £2,500
Shipley County Park play equipment improvements £6,600
Chinley Station access for all feasibility study £27,224.45


ii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part)
Aston on Trent Primary classroom extension £97,659.85
Dunston Primary Academy 2 teaching rooms, additional facilities and internal modelling £120,713.52

iii) the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent in respect of monitoring (including reporting under regulation 121A) in relation to the delivery of planning obligations:

i) The total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) during any year which was retained at the end of the reported year, and where any of the retained money has been allocated for the purposes of longer term maintenance ('commuted sums'), also identify separately the total amount of commuted sums held
Education £32,254,527.51
Highways £3,257,368.11
Travel and transport £661,449.30
Libraries £62,749.57
Waste £43,954.85
Countryside £27,364.25
Total £36,307,413.59

4.14 The value of funds retained at the end of 2021/22 are shown. It must be noted however that a proportion of these funds may also be formally allocated or identified for projects which are in development.

4.15 No funds have been retained as commuted sums for maintenance.

5. Examples of infrastructure delivery through S106 in 2021/2022

Woodville to Swadlincote Regeneration Route

The Woodville Swadlincote Regeneration Route was designed to unlock the development potential of the Woodville regeneration area located adjacent to the route in South Derbyshire District. The regeneration area is considered as being fundamental to the future prosperity of Swadlincote and is expected to provide much needed commercial space and 300 new homes, creating 3,100 jobs, plus construction jobs.

A grant from D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership’s Local Growth Fund was required to make the project viable given that the regeneration route crosses an area of former open cast and deep mine workings which had been poorly backfilled with mixed fill.

The regeneration route also forms an important component of Derbyshire's transport infrastructure by providing an alternative route for traffic accessing the town of Swadlincote thus relieving congestion on the A511/A514, and also for east-west journeys between the M1/A42/M42 and A38/A50 trunk roads.

The route also has the potential to provide additional economic benefits to and boost investor confidence within Woodville and Swadlincote by enabling reduced and consistent journey times.

Following planning permission and compulsory purchase of land, construction work began in October 2019 and was completed and opened to traffic in December 2021. The road is currently taking between 5,000 and 7,000 vehicle movements a day.

Total project cost £13.4 million.

Funding typeAmount
D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership £6.4 million
Derbyshire County Council £6.38 million

S106 funding
9/2014/0740 Broomy Farm Woodville Road Hartshorne £371,043.97 paid
DMPA/2019/0931 Occupation Lane, Swadlincote £43,812 awaited
DMPA/2020/1004 Broomy Farm (Phase 4), Woodville, Hartshorne £190,717.18 awaited

Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Ashbourne - 6-classroom extension

In response to significant housing development within the normal area of the school, Queen Elizabeth Grammar School (QEGS) has converted an existing single storey building on the Boothby site which originally accommodated changing rooms and 3 classrooms. The new building is 2-storey and provides new changing rooms, and a total of 9 classrooms and ancillary spaces and increases the net capacity of the school by 180 places.

The project was managed by the QEGS Multi Academy Trust.

Total project cost £2.97 million.

S106 funding
12/00606/FUL former St Oswald's Hospital, Belle Vue Road, Ashbourne £239,164.32
12/00774/OUT Willow Meadow Farm, Wyaston Farm, Ashbourne £171,761.70
13/00256/OUT Lodge Farm Chase, Ashbourne £103,056
14/00722/FUL and 15/00736/FUL Hillside Farm, Wyaston Road, Ashbourne £374,539.04
13/00911/OUT and 17/00337/FUL Old Derby Road, Ashbourne £489,142.94
16/00437/FUL Land North of Broomy Drive, Brailsford £137,327.94
16/00436/OUT Luke Lane Brailsford £206,558.27
16/00832/OUT Land East Of Les Ardennes, Hulland Ward £82,516.45
16/00567/OUT Main Road, Brailsford £142,451.51

Derbyshire County Council has forward funded an additional £286,461 in advance of future S106 income.

John Port Spencer Academy - art block and car park

This project will deliver additional art, design and teaching accommodation to support the expansion of pupil places from PAN 360 to PAN 420 (11 to 16-year-olds) and an increase of sixth form pupil places. The project proposes to internally remodel staff areas on the ground floor of the Edale building and to partly remodel the Hathersage building to create additional classrooms and associated stores. It also involves the internal remodelling of the new Derwent building to create a graphics room and a larger ICT classroom.

The project also proposes to extend and resurface the existing overspill car park adjacent to the leisure centre to provide an additional 54 car parking spaces. Further additional parking spaces will also be provided by reorganising and making more efficient use of existing car parking areas.

Total project cost £1,280,664.49.

S106 funding
9/2013/0745 Etwall Road Willington £99,641.65
9/2013/0643 Longlands Repton £152,020.63
9/2013/1044 Land south of the Mease Hilton £292,979.37
9/2012/0889 Clayton Works, Scropton Road, Hatton £20,000
9/2014/0562 Hackwood Farm, Mickleover £63,128.61
9/2014/1093 Mount Pleasant Road, Repton £195,988.34
9/2015/0768 Ladybank Road, Mickleover £341,465.85
9/2016/1216 Willington Road, Etwall £70,800.05

6. Future spending priorities

6.1 The types of infrastructure that the authority intends to fund, either wholly or partly, by the use of planning obligations is set out in our Developer Contributions Protocol.

6.2 This is supported by the development of our Strategic Growth and Infrastructure Framework (SGIF) which includes strategic projects which we, alongside partners, are actively working to progress. We actively engage with partners to ensure the economic potential and infrastructure priorities for Derbyshire are identified, in order to help address climate change, the good growth agenda, to unlock development and create sustainable communities.

Appendix A

Contributions signed during 2020/21
DistrictLocationPlanning numberSigned dateCategoryAmount
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover North 14/00080/OUTEA 22/09/2021 Primary education £1,237,603
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover North 14/00080/OUTEA 22/09/2021 Primary education £2,700,000
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane ,Bolsover North 14/00080/OUTEA 22/09/2021 Secondary education £962,397
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover North 14/00080/OUTEA 22/09/2021 Secondary education £1,526,619.14
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover North 14/00080/OUTEA 22/09/2021 Highways £134,965.44
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover North 14/00080/OUTEA 22/09/2021 Highways £260,234.56
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover North 14/00080/OUTEA 22/09/2021 Highways £25,000
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover North 14/00080/OUTEA 22/09/2021 Highways £79,640
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover North 14/00080/OUTEA 22/09/2021 Transport and travel £10,000
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover North 14/00080/OUTEA 22/09/2021 Highways £40,000
Amber Valley Radbourne Lane, Mackworth AVA/2019/0297 01/12/2021 Primary education £2,017,468.80
Amber Valley Radbourne Lane, Mackworth AVA/2019/0297 01/12/2021 Secondary and post-16 education £2,800,000
Amber Valley Radbourne Lane, Mackworth AVA/2019/0297 01/12/2021 Transport and travel £6,090
Amber Valley Radbourne Lane, Mackworth AVA/2019/0297 01/12/2021 Highways £15,000
Amber Valley Radbourne Lane, Mackworth AVA/2019/0297 01/12/2021 Highways £1,500
South Derbyshire Micklemeadow Farm, 233 Rykneld Road, Findern 9/2018/0346 07/01/2022 Primary education £51,529.77
South Derbyshire Micklemeadow Farm, 233 Rykneld Road, Findern 9/2018/0346 07/01/2022 Secondary education £105,715.14
High Peak Samas Roneo Ltd, Glossop Road, Gamesely HPK/2019/0474 19/07/2021 Secondary education £206,945.40
South Derbyshire Land north of Scropton Lane, Scropton DMPA/2019/1198 21/10/2021 Secondary and post-16 education £51,889.20
Amber Valley Moor Lane, Kirk Langley AVA/2020/1226 09/09/2021 Primary education £143,933.30
Amber Valley Moor Lane, Kirk Langley AVA/2020/1226 09/09/2021 Secondary and post-16 education £254,257.50
Amber Valley Denby Hall Business Park, Denby AVA/2019/0463 21/05/2021 Transport and travel £6,075
Amber Valley 101-105 Butterly Hill, Ripley AVA/2020/0649 23/06/2021 Highways £5,000
Bolsover Townend Farm, Lees Lane, South Normanton 20/00185/OUT 18/05/2021 Highways £5,000
Amber Valley Derwent Street, Belper AVA/2021/0106 28/06/2021 SEND £76,769.99
Amber Valley Derwent Street, Belper AVA/2021/0106 28/06/2021 Libraries £8,020
Amber Valley Derwent Street, Belper AVA/2021/0106 28/06/2021 Monitoring £210
North East Derbyshire rear of Dukes Close, Wood Street and Cavendish Close, Holmewood 20/00861/FL 15/07/2021 Transport and travel £5,075
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover 21/00640/FUL 14/02/2022 Primary education £68,289.96
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover 21/00640/FUL 14/02/2022 Primary education £85,362.45
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover 21/00640/FUL 14/02/2022 Secondary education £205,800.32
Bolsover Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover 21/00640/FUL 14/02/2022 Transport and travel £2,500
High Peak Foxlow Farm, Harpur Hill Road, Buxton HPK/2021/0145 30/08/2021 Highways £5,000
High Peak Foxlow Farm, Harpur Hill Road, Buxton HPK/2021/0145 30/08/2021 Transport and travel £5,075

Appendix B

Section 106 contributions received during 2021/22
LocationPlanning numberCategoryAmount
117 Chesterfield Road North, Wingfield 13/00283/OL Libraries £18,000
The Avenue Site, Wingerworth 13/00386/OL Primary education £240,887.52
The Avenue Site, Wingerworth 13/00386/OL Transport and travel £4,333.33
Mill Lane, Wingerworth 12/00072/OL Highways £302,100
Delves Court, Lockton Avenue, Heanor AVA/2015/0296 Primary education £412.76
Staveley Lane, Eckington 14/00562/OL Highways £14,720
Staveley Lane, Eckington 14/00562/OL Highways £19,000
Staveley Lane, Eckington 14/00562/OL Transport and travel £5,000
Staveley Lane, Eckington 14/00562/OL Waste £2,266.20
William Nadin Way, Swadlincote 9/2013/0818 Primary education £45,157.11
Land south of the Mease, Hilton 9/2013/1044 Secondary education £720,323.31
Land south of the Mease, Hilton 9/2013/1044 Post-16 education £310,364.75
Land south of the Mease, Hilton 9/2013/1044 Transport and travel £2,872.42
Matlock Road, Wessington 14/00147/OL Primary education £79,793.07
Loscoe Miners Welfare, High Street, Loscoe AVA/2014/0923 Secondary education £146,474.45
Loscoe Miners Welfare, High Street, Loscoe AVA/2014/0923 Post-16 education £62,774.76
Loscoe Miners Welfare, High Street, Loscoe AVA/2014/0923 Transport and travel £5,189.27
Skinner Street, Creswell 15/00368/FUL Highways £30,463.68
Alexandra Road, Swadlincote 9/2014/0300 Secondary education £38,034.38
Oversetts Road, Newhall 9/2014/0222 Secondary education £18,306.80
Oversetts Road, Newhall 9/2014/0222 Secondary education £18,306.80
Outseats Farm, Mansfield Road, Alfreton AVA/2012/0084 Primary education £1,227.45
Outseats Farm, Mansfield Road, Alfreton AVA/2012/0084 Primary education £294,537.97
Heanor Road, Smalley AVA/2014/0817 Primary education £547.02
Heanor Road, Smalley AVA/2014/0817 Secondary education £1,175.32
Valley Road, Overseal 9/2014/0431 Secondary education £70,998.35
Valley Road, Overseal 9/2014/0431 Secondary education £72,712.01
Eachwell Lane, Alfreton AVA/2013/0181 Primary education £1,775.05
Homleigh Way, Chellaston, Derby 9/2013/0663 Primary education £76,655.47
Chellaston Fields, Swarkestone Road, Chellaston 9/2012/0568 Secondary education £718,815.13
Chellaston Fields, Swarkestone Road, Chellaston 9/2012/0568 Waste £7,987.70
Hawkshead Mill, Glossop HPK/2014/0573 Primary education £82,345.36
Top Road, Calow 16/00772/OL Primary education £22,798
Quarry Hill Road, Ilkeston ERE/0614/0030 Primary education £170,985.15
Quarry Hill Road, Ilkeston ERE/0614/0030 Highways £100,000
Quarry Hill Road, Ilkeston ERE/0614/0030 Primary education £227,980.20
Broomy Farm, Woodville Road, Hartshorne 9/2014/0740 Primary Education £149,421.97
Broomy Farm, Woodville Road, Hartshorne 9/2014/0740 Primary education £153,400.36
Broomy Farm, Woodville Road, Hartshorne 9/2014/0740 Highways £33,101.87
Newton Road, Newton Solney, Burton on Trent 9/2014/1039 Transport and travel £1,192.72
Newton Road, Newton Solney, Burton on Trent 9/2014/1039 Transport and travel £1,192.73
Rosliston Road South, Drakelow 9/2014/0948 Transport and travel £1,191.97
Moira Road, Overseal 9/2015/0029 Secondary education £19,379.39
Dunston Road, Chesterfield CHE/15/00116/OUT Primary education £62,006.29
Oxcroft Lane, Bolsover 15/00076/OUT Transport and travel £2,500
Derby Road, Hatton 9/2015/1108 Primary education £30,674.43
Derby Road, Hatton 9/2015/1108 Secondary education £231,103.21
Derby Road, Hatton 9/2015/1108 Post-16 education £100,254.31
292 Manor Road, Brimington CHE/15/00344/OUT Primary education £34,197
Coton Lane, Rosliston 9/2015/0723 Secondary education £74,756.80
Ladybank Road, Mickleover 9/2015/0768 Primary education £328,543.29
Ladybank Road, Mickleover 9/2015/0768 Secondary education £376,236.98
Ladybank Road, Mickleover 9/2015/0768 Post-16 education £161,060.86
Oversetts Road, Newhall 9/2015/0396 Secondary education £18,437.70
Cottagehill Farm, Wingerworth 15/00867/FL Secondary education £28,123
Cottagehill Farm, Wingerworth 15/00867/FL Transport and travel £2,500
Cottagehill Farm, Wingerworth 15/00867/FL Highways £210,900
Woods Mill, Glossop HPK/2015/0571 Transport and travel £5,000
Acresford Road, Overseal 9/2015/1063 Secondary education £95,222.16
Acresford Road, Overseal 9/2015/1063 Secondary education £96,800.97
Kedleston Road, Allestree AVA/2014/0928 Post-16 education £562,624.61
Court Street, Woodville 9/2016/0288 Highways £27,500
Matlock Road, Wessington 16/00419/FL Primary education £56,141.10
Roes Lane, Crich AVA/2016/0464 Primary education £37,427.37
Roes Lane, Crich AVA/2016/0464 Transport and travel £5,679.97
Greenhill Lane, Leabrooks AVA/2016/0530 Primary education £399.03
Hill Top, Derby Road, Ashbourne 16/00711/OUT Transport and travel £2,484.98
Land At New House Farm, Mickleover 9/2017/0349 Primary education £931,756.76
Land At New House Farm, Mickleover 9/2017/0349 Post-16 education £504,827.05
Land off Langwith Road and Mooracre Lane, Bolsover 17/00234/FUL Primary education £162,487.96
Land off Langwith Road and Mooracre Lane, Bolsover 17/00234/FUL Transport and travel £40,472.70
Land off Langwith Road and Mooracre Lane, Bolsover 17/00234/FUL Highways £29,649.75
Ashbourne Road, Kirk Langley AVA/2017/0502 Primary education £33,858.17
Ashbourne Road, Kirk Langley AVA/2017/0502 Primary education £37,596.02
Ashbourne Road, Kirk Langley AVA/2017/0502 Primary education £2,824.14
Ashbourne Road, Kirk Langley AVA/2017/0502 Secondary education £34,011.82
Ashbourne Road, Kirk Langley AVA/2017/0502 Secondary education £37,766.76
Ashbourne Road, Kirk Langley AVA/2017/0502 Secondary education £2,836.96
Ashbourne Road, Kirk Langley AVA/2017/0502 Post-16 education £18,443.45
Ashbourne Road, Kirk Langley AVA/2017/0502 Post-16 education £20,479.42
Ashbourne Road, Kirk Langley AVA/2017/0502 Post-16 education £1,538.38
Ashbourne Road, Kirk Langley AVA/2017/0502 Highways £42,907.02
Heanor Road, Smalley AVA/2012/1157 Primary education £39,549.93
Heanor Road, Smalley AVA/2012/1157 Primary education £38,173.01
Heanor Road, Smalley AVA/2012/1157 Primary education £38,173.01
Heanor Road, Smalley AVA/2012/1157 Secondary education £81,264.85
Heanor Road, Smalley AVA/2012/1157 Secondary education £78,435.69
Heanor Road, Smalley AVA/2012/1157 Secondary education £78,435.70
Land between bypass and rear of 109 To 247 Mansfield Road, Hasland 17/00806/FL Primary education £216,581.19
Land between bypass and rear of 109 To 247 Mansfield Road, Hasland 17/00806/FL Secondary education £326,347.23
William Nadin Way, Swadlincote 9/2017/0667 Primary education £58,043.72
Derby Road, Hilton 9/2017/1293 Primary education £64,257.76
Derby Road, Hilton 9/2017/1293 Primary education £64,488.41
Derby Road, Hilton 9/2017/1293 Secondary and post-16 education £110,310.66
Derby Road, Hilton 9/2017/1293 Secondary and post-16 education £110,706.61
Derby Road, Hilton 9/2017/1293 Highways £26,258.99
Land At Coppice Farm, off Peasehill Road, Ripley AVA/2018/0338 Primary education £537,963.02
Land At Coppice Farm, off Peasehill Road, Ripley AVA/2018/0338 Highways £15,429.58
Land At Coppice Farm, off Peasehill Road, Ripley AVA/2018/0338 Transport and travel £5,934.46
Hockley House, Hockley Lane, Wingerworth 19/00567/FL Primary education £56,995.05
Trenchard Drive, Harpur Hill, Buxton HPK/2018/0315 Transport and travel £1,000
Trenchard Drive, Harpur Hill, Buxton HPK/2018/0315 Transport and travel £206.24
Pattison Street, off Bolsover Road, Shuttlewood 19/00083/FUL Secondary education £96,815.10
Cadet Centre, Inkersall Road, Staveley CHE/19/00131/OUT Highways £5,000
Cadet Centre, Inkersall Road, Staveley CHE/19/00131/OUT Highways £303.03
Granby Road, Buxton HPK/2019/0164 Primary education £134,497.92
Roes Lane, Crich AVA/2014/0281 Primary education £86,313.44
Burnside Avenue, Shirland 12/00273/OL Highways £30,000
Radbourne Lane, Mackworth AVA/2009/0359 Post-16 education £8,837.96
Bakewell Road, Matlock 15/00814/OUT Highways £50,000
Main Road, Shirland (allotments) 13/00321/FL Highways £3,000
Broomhall Farm, High Street, Eckington 08/00679/FL Secondary education £33,982.96
Mercia Marina, Findern Lane, Willington 9/2013/0733 Libraries £20,000
Land at Market Close, Shirebrook (Lidl) 16/00345/FUL Transport and travel £2,554.01
Milford Foundry, Derby Road, Milford AVA/2004/0233 Primary education £804.71
Derwent Street, Belper AVA/2021/0106 SEND £77,929.66
Derwent Street, Belper AVA/2021/0106 Libraries £8,059.57
Derwent Street, Belper AVA/2021/0106 Monitoring £210
Laceyfields Road and Breach Road AVA/1995/0843 Primary education £17,158.19