632 results shown for search keyword place
Chicken pie is a great 'use up' dish - add almost any vegetables to your pie such as mushrooms, potatoes, sweetcorn, peas, spinach, parsnips and carrots.
You can find results of past Derbyshire County Council local government elections, and information on other types of election and voting.
Read about Mick's role as senior policy and research officer in our policy and research team.
Your question may already have been answered in this guide so make sure you read through the information carefully.
Notes and presentations from recent meetings of the Parish and Town Council Liaison Forum and agendas for future meetings.
Derbyshire's population of older people is growing, which means we're always on the lookout for people to join our hard-working teams of care workers.
We have developed an exciting new audio trail for Rowthorne Trail car park to help you explore our countryside.
Learn skills with us to help you develop your role in your community.
The group intends to look to improve quality of life issues and actively address many challenges that affect the local 50+ community.
We have developed an exciting new audio trail for Teversal Pit to help you explore our countryside. Listen to the audio guide.
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