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Register a birth, death, marriage or civil partnership, organise a ceremony, request replacement certificates and find details of our registration offices.
There have been requests for the railway line between Matlock and Buxton to be re-opened and a feasibility study has been carried out.
Your request should be in writing and include any plans and drawings that describe your proposal, together with any other relevant planning information.
If you fall into one of the following groups you may be entitled to reduced charges for some library services.
The year group with which a child is taught has implications for a child's social as well as educational development.
Subject to certain exemptions, you have certain rights where we hold any information about you (your 'personal data').
We consider that in almost all cases a child's individual needs can be met by schools without accelerated or delayed admission to another year group.
View the latest public and statutory notices. If you have any comments please contact us using the details on the individual notice.
Report a pothole or another problem with a road such as road markings, street lights, pavements, loose chippings, signs, signals, trees, flooding and ironworks.
Children will normally go into full time infant education in September in the school year in which they become 5 years old.
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