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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

How to make a pre-planning enquiry

The highway pre-application service is a non-statutory function. We charge for providing pre-application.

It's not mandatory to undertake pre-application discussions, but we recommend that applicants do engage, particularly where there is likely to be significant public interest or the proposal is expected to result in an impact on the transport network.

The advice given in response to pre-application enquiries does not bind our decision-making or constitute a formal representation by us as the highway authority. Any views or opinions expressed are given in good faith and to the best of our ability without prejudice to the formal consideration of any future planning application.

However, the written advice provided will be taken into consideration by us in the representation to a future related planning application, subject to the proviso that circumstances and information may change or come to light that may alter that position. The weight given to pre-application advice will decline over time.

We try to provide comments within 30 working days of a pre-application submission. We'll share those comments with the local planning authority. All applicants are advised to also engage with the local planning authority to ensure they are fully aware of the local policy context.

For larger schemes (50 or more dwellings) the fee includes all communications up to the agreement of any draft transport statement or assessment. This may also include likely planning obligations.

Planning performance agreements (PPA) will only be entered into alongside the local planning authority. Where the applicant wishes to enter into a PPA with the local planning authority and ourselves as the highway authority, the supplemental PPA fee is applicable in addition to the pre-application fee.

There's a list on this page of typical details that you should submit for various development types. If you cannot provide all the information, then please provide as much as possible, and recognise that the response provided will be tailored to the submission. Therefore, it may not be possible to provide a definitive position if limited details are provided.

The applicant is advised to review their proposal against Delivering Streets and Places (DSP) 2017 (or superseding document) and Manual for Streets (1 & 2) and before submitting. This includes details of layout, parking and transport appraisal requirements.

Highway authority pre-application fees apply irrespective of whether the local planning authority is charging for planning pre-application advice. Charges will apply equally to market and affordable housing proposals. The highway authority also reserves the right to wave this charge for charitable organisations.

The highway authority will not charge for work in the preparation of a local plan including strategic master planning and site-specific policies. But, as and when any local authority development schemes become commercial proposals for planning consent and onward conveyance, then there would be a presumption for pre-application charging. There are areas where there may be an exception to this approach. For example, joint ventures between our respective authorities or where land value capture is helping to deliver strategic transport infrastructure, walkable neighbourhoods or other LTP objectives which we wish to promote or show-case. These would be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The charges will apply for each submission over a 12-month period and will apply per applicant. Revision to a submission after 12 months and 1 day with no interim dialogue will be subject to the full charge, or the change in applicant for the same quantum of development on the same site will be subject to the full charge.

We'll apply discretion to allow for minor changes in design and quantum during the consideration time period, but fundamental design changes which require detailed consideration on their own right will be subject to the full charge.

Fees for pre-application advice
TypeResidential developmentNon-residential development site areaNon-residential gross floor area proposedCost for highway advice
Minor Up to 49 dwellings Below 1ha Below 1,000m2 £450 (plus supplemental charge of £1,000 for planning performance agreement)
Medium 50 to100 dwellings 1ha to 1.25ha 1,000 m2 to 2,499m2 £750 (plus supplemental charge of £1,000 for planning performance agreement)
Major Over 101 dwellings 1.26ha to 2ha 2,500 m2 to 9,999m2 £1,250 (plus supplemental charge of £1,000 for planning performance agreement)

The charges are for pre-application advice only. Any additional services, such as modelling or data provision, will be a separately chargeable activity. Modelling can be accessed outside the pre-application process, but no opinions will be expressed on the outputs.

Where a development is of significant scale a dedicated resource may be required. The applicant should discuss the requirements so that a tailored charging strategy can be provided.

Planning performance agreements are calculated as the fee which reflects the scale of the development at the pre application state plus the supplemental fee. A development of 60 dwellings would be £750 plus £1,000, so £1,750 would be needed to access this service.

PPAs must be entered into prior to a planning application being submitted and does not include work beyond the determination of any proposal.

Charges correct as of 1 November 2023 and are subject to annual review.

All charges are inclusive of VAT at 20%.

You should submit and pay transport development management fees online.

Payment must be made electronically. We will not accept payment by cheque or cash.

The indicated time period of 30 working days will not commence until both payment and the submission of details has been provided.

All initial enquiries and submissions should be sent to email with proof of payment. An officer will then be allocated to the enquiry and individual contact details shared.

For any other queries please email

Personal information given will be used for the purposes of processing your request for pre-application advice and will not be used for any other purposes. It may involve sharing the submission and outcome with the relevant planning authority and specialist organisations.

If we receive a request, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) or Environmental Information Regulations(EIR), to show information relating to pre-application questions they are obliged to do so unless the information is exempt under the act. We can only withhold information under FOI or EIR if the information falls under one of the exemptions (FOI) or exceptions (EIR) set out in legislation.

For certain pre-application issues the applicant would be advised to complete the commercially sensitive checklist that should set out the reasons why, and for how long, they feel any information relating to the case needs to remain confidential. Whilst we'll take account of these views, the final decision on whether the information should be withheld rests with us.