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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Infrastructure planning

Derbyshire will change and grow over the next 20 years. Infrastructure has a crucial role in enhancing and supporting economic growth by attracting visitors, workers and investment to Derbyshire. The need to plan strategically and prioritise investment and resources is necessary to the efficient and effective delivery of that infrastructure.

The strategic growth and infrastructure framework

The delivery of new, and improvements to existing infrastructure are fundamental to achieving our ambitions for shaping Derbyshire.

The strategic growth and infrastructure framework (SGIF) which is attached to this page, captures all projects in which we have a role, and forms the base layer of our approach towards the prioritisation of projects. The projects identified also align with the district and borough council's local plans.

By planning strategically, it enables us to respond to the pressure which growth exerts on the county's infrastructure and creates a platform for prioritisation and efficient delivery. This approach will ensure the delivery of infrastructure and services to support well-planned, sustainable development and clean economic growth which contributes to a good quality of life for Derbyshire residents.

The SGIF is a working document which will be reviewed each year as information becomes available and projects are completed. The SGIF is supported by a map showing the location of projects and their strategic context. The map also provides links to other webpages, where they exist, which provide further information on the project. Clicking on the coloured dots will display information about the local projects on the left hand side of the screen. With regard to regional projects please click anywhere within the local authority area and these will also be displayed in a list on the left hand side of the screen.

With regard to the layers entitled 'allocations' - within the geographical county of Derbyshire there are 8 district and borough councils and one unitary authority. These councils prepare a local plan, which will identify specific sites for specific purposes, such as housing or employment development and which are referred to as 'allocations'. This mapping has been provided to us by the relevant council.

Developer contributions protocol

To help achieve the ambitions as set out in our Council Plan, we need to ensure that good quality sustainable development supported by the necessary services and infrastructure is delivered to meet the needs of current and future communities.

It's important that development can be delivered without prejudicing important infrastructure and services. We're an important statutory consultee in the planning process. By working closely with the district and borough councils and the Peak District National Park Authority, where appropriate, we'll request that developers fund the cost of any additional infrastructure and services required to support their development.

The Developer Contributions Protocol has been developed as a guidance tool for use by developers and local planning authorities. It sets out our expectations for contributions towards infrastructure and services required to support growth and development in Derbyshire.

The Developer Contributions Protocol relates only to county level services and infrastructure. It doesn't cover contributions which may be sought separately by local planning authorities for local infrastructure such as affordable housing or open space.

the Developer Contributions Protocol is being reviewed and you can comment on the draft document.

Infrastructure funding statement

On 1 September 2019, the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (CIL) 2010 (as amended) came into force and require that contribution receiving authorities must produce an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement, which is attached to this page.

It provides a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions activity relating to Section 106 Legal Agreements (S106) for the previous financial year.


The policy and monitoring team may be contacted during normal office hours.


Telephone: 01629 539800

Write to:

The Policy and Monitoring Team
Economy, Transport and Environment
Derbyshire County Council
Smedley Street