Complaints and praise
Our complaints and praise information will tell you how you make a comment, complaint or compliment. You can also find out about our complaints process.
From time to time we carry out surveys and consultations to get your views about our services. Consultation exercises will also be held when changes are proposed to services.
Involving you
We have a number of different groups that influence or contribute to the way support and services are designed commissioned and delivered. Here's a list of groups that currently operate:
If you'd like to get involved in any of our engagement groups, please contact the Stakeholder Engagement Team, email: or telephone: 01629 532354.
Healthwatch Derbyshire is an independent body which collects people's views and opinions about local health and social care services. Healthwatch also carries out inspections and audits of services.
If you need help in making a complaint or to pass on a comment, you can get help through an advocacy service. Advocates help you say what you want to and represent your interests.
Languages and formats
It is our policy to make information available in alternate languages, accessible formats and plain English.
The Accessible Information standard also requires us to ask people if they need information in a particular format such as Braille, because of a disability. Please contact our adult care information team to request this, email: or telephone: 01629 532237.