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Independent advocacy support in Derbyshire

Advocacy is taking action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests and help them to get the support they need.

An advocate is someone who supports a person who is vulnerable and helps them to have their say.

There are different types of advocacy services, but an advocate is generally independent and free from conflicts of interest.

Independent Care Act advocacy

The Care Act 2014 places a duty on local authorities, to ensure that a person is fully involved in their assessment, review, support plan and/or safeguarding enquiry.

If a person is likely to have 'substantial difficulty' in being involved and do not have an 'appropriate person' to support and represent them, then we have a duty to arrange independent advocacy.

Referrals can be made by a social worker or another staff member (with the person's consent wherever possible). Please speak to your adult care worker or local team for more information, telephone: 01629 533190 or text 86555.

The service is free and confidential.

Independent non-statutory advocacy

Non-statutory advocacy can support individuals, who, for various reasons, find it difficult to find or understand relevant information, access or engage with services, understand or distinguish their options, speak up for themselves and do not have anyone who can support them with this.

If you need an advocate to help you please contact Cloverleaf Advocacy:

The service is free and confidential.

Independent mental health advocacy

We have a duty to provide Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) for people who are detained under the Mental Health Act, those who are informal patients in NHS or independent hospitals, and those who are subject to guardianship or community treatment order.

IMHAs provide advice and support on:

  • the Mental Health Act and how it is applied
  • the types of treatment that might be offered
  • a person's legal rights
  • the tribunal processes

The IMHA service helps people to exercise their rights and can also represent them or speak on their behalf. IMHAs may also support patients in a range of ways to ensure they can participate in the decisions that are made about their care and treatment.

IMHA services are provided by Cloverleaf Advocacy, who will accept referrals directly from you, your family, a friend, or from a health or social care professional on your behalf:

The service is free and confidential.

Independent mental capacity advocacy

We have a duty to provide independent mental capacity advocacy (IMCA) which aims to provide additional safeguards for people who lack the capacity to take decisions in certain specific, important situations and who are particularly vulnerable because they do not have a close relative, friend or person to protect their interests.

IMCAs support and represent people in these situations by looking at the way particular decisions are being made, but do not make the decisions on someone's behalf.

The IMCA service also provide representatives as part of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLs) requirements which ensure that someone is only deprived of their liberty when it is in their best interest.

Referrals for this service can only be made to Cloverleaf Advocacy by us or the NHS.

If you think someone should have the support of an IMCA, but you do not work for us or the NHS, you can still contact Cloverleaf Advocacy and let them know, so they can get in touch with the person making the decision, to discuss the referral with them.

The service is free and confidential.

NHS independent complaints advocacy

This service provides independent support to help any adult who wants to make a complaint about an NHS funded service either about their own treatment or that of a family member, child or carer. It helps people to understand their rights, assist with complaints, applications and support people at meetings.

To access the service, contact Cloverleaf Advocacy:

This service is free and confidential.