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Adult care information and advice

Adult care information, publications, leaflets and fact sheets.

Our information and advice service includes:

Information in other languages or formats

All our literature will be in a standard format.

If you need any of our information in easy read, large print, Braille, or translated to other languages you can request these by using our online order form. You can also request it by contacting Call Derbyshire telephone: 01629 533190.


SignLive is a video interpreter service. People who use British Sign Language can contact our Call Derbyshire contact centre using the SignLive service.

Accessible Information Standard

The Accessible Information Standard aims to make sure people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss get information they can easily read, or understand with support so they can communicate effectively with us. This could include providing information in alternative formats, such as:

All organisations that provide adult social care or NHS care must follow the Accessible Information Standard.

We must:

  • ask you if you have any information or communication needs, and find out how to meet those needs
  • record those needs clearly in a set way
  • highlight or 'flag' your file or notes so it is clear you have information or communication needs and how those needs should be met
  • share information about those communication needs with other providers of NHS and adult social care, when we have consent or permission to do so
  • take steps to ensure you receive information which you can access and understand

We recognise the benefits to people in implementing the standards. We accept that compliance is in line with or commitments to equitable, high quality, accessible and personalised care.

If you have any information or communication needs tell your worker and ask them to record it on your social care record.

We produce a range of easy read leaflets and fact sheets.

We've produced a short animated film which gives you an overview of our adult care services and how our processes work.

The NHS have produced a number of information videos showing how the Accessible Information Standard could help you.

We are working to convert our documents to meet the standard. Where we cannot, contact information will be available to request another format.

Universal Offer

We aim to support people's health and wellbeing and help them to stay independent enjoying a good quality life for as long as possible.

We do this by making a Universal Offer to all Derbyshire residents for a range of information and advice, signposting, assessment and help with finding and buying services.

Adult care videos

All our adult care videos are in British Sign Language and have English subtitles and voice over.

We've also produced a short animated film which gives you an overview of our adult care services and how our processes work.

Your health, your choices

Make informed choices about your health and wellbeing.

Find out more on the NHS website.