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Learning disabilities information, news and help

News, details of events, information and links to organisations that can help you.

For more information about the services that are available to you please Call Derbyshire telephone: 01629 533190.

For more information about co-funding, assessment, eligibility, support plans and personal budgets, please visit the accessing care services section.

Information and links

Support, activities and advice

There are lots of organisations in Derbyshire that provide activities, support and advice to people with a learning disability and their carers. This information can be found it the Derbyshire Directory which also lists community groups, sports clubs, charities and voluntary organisations.

Community Connectors

Community Connectors help people with a learning disability and autism access groups and other activities in their local community. A leaflet about our Community Connector service in easy read format is attached to this page.

Hospital and easy-read leaflets

Chesterfield Royal hospital and Derby Hospitals NHS Trust have produced some easy read patient information. There are leaflets to explain what to expect when you go to hospital for tests such as an X-ray, a blood test or an MRI scan.

You'll find useful health and wellbeing information videos and leaflets in easy read format on the Easy Health website.


All our adult care videos are in British Sign Language and have English subtitles and voice over.

Our myth busting 'I can' videos show that people with learning disabilities can live independently, have relationships, a social life and a paid job:

The Moving Forward Together video shows how the Community Connector and disability employment services are helping people with a learning disability to play an active part in their local communities.

Learning Disability Family Carers Community

The Learning Disability Carers' Community is a support group for people who care for someone with a learning disability. The community was started by carers from the Chesterfield area but it's open to anyone who supports someone with a learning disability.