1016 results shown for search keywords primary school request for a place
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection. Oral HPV is a big risk for oral cancer.
Sexual health and relationships information for businesses in Derbyshire.
Modern slavery is a complex crime that takes a number of different forms. It encompasses slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking.
Adult education safe learner policy
A to Z guide on waste - A. Some ideas to help you decide what to do with your unwanted items, such as reduce, reuse or recycle.
If you wish to licence your venue to hold marriages and civil partnerships you'll need to apply for or renew an approved premises licence.
The board works to pass on information, challenge services and take action to make a difference for people with learning disabilities in their daily lives.
All new and changed jobs are evaluated by a panel of trained evaluators including trade union representatives.
The board is made up of people with a learning disability, family carers and representatives of local organisations who live and work in north Derbyshire.
We have a statutory duty to find out and make sure young people between the ages of 16 and 18 years are in paid employment, education, or training (EET).
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