Whether at work or at home, there are things we can all do to help tackle climate change. On this page you’ll find ideas for what you can do at home, at work, at school or in your local community.
You can see what your own environmental footprint looks like using the WWF's online footprint calculator.
Energy saving advice and tips
Becoming more energy efficient reduces the amount of energy you use, shrinking your carbon footprint and saving you money.
Energy Saving Trust has quick tips to save energy and Citizens Advice can help you save money heating your home. This covers:
- the best use of your heating controls
- how to check that boilers are working at maximum efficiency
- simple ways to stop heat being lost from your home
- hot water use in the bathroom and kitchen
- lighting and standby
- improving your home through insulation or other investments
Our Trusted Trader pages include companies who provide home energy efficiency services, including home insulation, heat pumps, renewable energy, double glazing, underfloor heating, and ventilation.
Our website has information about support on keeping warm in the winter (including links to Warmer Derby and Derbyshire). And the First Contact Derbyshire signposting scheme can help link you to Government funding if you are eligible.
You can also check directly with the companies who supply your energy or water as some of them offer discounted or free equipment. Most water companies offer efficient showerheads which use less hot water.
Find different ways to travel
Our sustainable travel pages have information about buses, cycling and walking and electric vehicles. This includes support we offer for businesses to create sustainable travel plans.
Waste and recycling
Recycling and re-using is an important way to reduce carbon emissions. Our recycling pages have lots of useful information about:
- recycling centres
- composting kitchen and garden waste
- furniture re-use projects and charity shops
- love Food Hate Waste - saving money by making the most of the food you have
- local repair cafes - where volunteers may be able to repair broken items for your
We host Transition Buxton’s ‘Library of Things’ at Buxton Library, which aims to help local people live more sustainably by sharing over 100 useful tools, pieces of equipment and other ‘things’.
Schools and young people
If you work in, or have children at, a school, ask the headteacher about signing up to Let's Go Zero who can support them in taking climate action. See our Services for Schools for more information about other things you can do.
As some children feel anxious about climate change we’ve helped to create a set of free SMILERS materials that can be used to help make meaningful links and changes that support our mental health and protect our planet. Scroll down to the “Climate Change and Sustainability” resources on the Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing website.
Connect with your local community group
Visit Everybody's Talking About Climate Change to find exciting projects that Derbyshire communities are delivering in local areas, including community energy projects.
Decarbonise your business
See our the support available to make your business go green.