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Day services that we own and run which are aimed at older people in Derbyshire. Some of our residential homes also provide day care.
Privacy notice for the Place department: De-Carbonise grants - how we use and protect your personal information.
We have a responsibility for safety on the roads. However, the removal and disposal of dead animals is normally a district council service.
Deafness or hearing impairment is when your hearing is affected by a condition or injury. Hearing impairment is most common in older people.
Managing debt can be a complicated and difficult process but there are a range of organisations who can advise and offer debt management solutions for free.
We are often asked what rights exist on public rights of way. Here is a list of definitions which will help you.
This is the legal record for all known Public Rights of Way. It is available to view during office hours and by appointment.
You can apply to amend the definitive map and statement. You may also make an application to alter the definitive statement.
The Council Plan is supported by our Financial Plan and an overarching Delivery Plan and each department has a service plan.
Dementia describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language.
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