Terms of reference for the group are attached to this page.
The group meets quarterly and is made up of representatives from both the voluntary and community and public sectors. A full list of members is attached to this page.
The group has undertaken work to collate and disseminate best practice, raise awareness and progress implementation of the Derbyshire Compact.
Achievements to date include:
- encouraging 112 Voluntary and Community sector (VCS) organisations and public sector organisations to sign up
- a successful bid to the ‘ChangeUp’ programme which allowed work to be carried out to build up the capacity of the VCS and speed up Compact development work - this involved the production of local action plans in each district, promoting and publicising the Compact and encouraging groups and organisations to sign up to the local Compact
- an action plan has been developed outlining activities to develop the Compact in the county
- a best practice checklist has been produced which has been circulated to representatives from both statutory and voluntary sectors
- agreement from the Derbyshire Partnership Forum that all organisations would include a statement in all service level agreements committing to the Compact principles
Current work the group is involved in includes the development of a mediation protocol and the production of Derbyshire commentaries on the national codes of good practice.