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If you think a child is in danger contact Call Derbyshire telephone: 01629 533190 or the police telephone: 101.
An annual childcare sufficiency assessment for the whole of Derbyshire is published each year.
We want you to let us know what you think of our children's services and offer any suggestions about how they can be improved.
We all need some help at times. Find out how we can support children, young people and families in Derbyshire.
We work hard to make sure that services are available to keep your children happy, healthy, safe and well. Find out more about what's on offer.
We want children and young people to tell us about their experiences of being a young person in Derbyshire or using our services.
Children and young people in care can share their experiences of the care system, to help us get things right and look after them properly.
A child of school age who works part-time must be registered with us and hold a work permit. Find out what types of work a child of school age can do.
Children who take part in public performances and activities including modelling work and paid sport require a licence.
A child missing from education is a child or young person of compulsory school age who is not in receipt of a suitable education.
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