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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Children and young persons feedback

We want children and young people to tell us about their experiences of being a young person in Derbyshire or using our services.

We'll listen to what you tell us and use this information to improve what we do or how we do it. We believe that your feedback will help us to improve how we help and support children and young people.

We want children and young people to:

  • be involved in shaping the services that they use
  • be involved in decisions which affect their lives
  • understand the rights that children and young people have
  • feel safe and happy and have opportunities to positively contribute to their local communities

Participation team

The participation team works to make sure that as many children and young people are given a chance to have their say.

Young people not only have their parents and carers helping them to make decisions about their lives. Sometimes there are other adults involved in decisions about them possibly a teacher, multi-agency team worker, social worker, GP or nurse. Some decisions affect more than one young person like closing a youth centre or not having enough mental health services for young people.

The participation team also runs the Derbyshire Advocacy Service. An advocate is someone that can help you to get your voice heard. They are completely separate from children's services and work for you. Advocates will listen to you and help you to put your views and wishes across.

The participation team encourages others to make sure they listen to the voice of children and young people, these include:

  • individuals, like parents and carers or support workers
  • groups, like youth groups
  • organisations, like schools
  • services, like social care or health care
  • local councils

When we engage and involve children and young people we try to be clear and make it an experience that they will enjoy, so we would:

  • share with you the information you will need to help you think about your views and experiences
  • create safe and supportive activities that help you to share your views and experiences
  • explore with you and make clear what is possible and what is not possible
  • give you feedback on how we have heard and understood them and the difference it has made
  • thank you for your time and views and in ways that contribute to your learning and personal development

One of the ways we involve children and young people in our work is through the Children in Care Council. This is for Derbyshire children who are in care aged from 10 to 18-years-old. We're looking for new members to join.

To contact the participation team email or telephone: 01629 535787.