1017 results shown for search keywords primary school request for a place
Early years' provider agreement service specification appendix 2 - processing personal data and data subjects.
From April 2024, existing support with the cost of childcare will be expanded.
Our music education services, both in and out of school, are provided by the Derby and Derbyshire Music Partnership.
We support schools to improve pupil behaviour and reduce exclusions and support the re-integration of excluded pupils.
In Derbyshire and Derby there's a lot of experience organising exchanges with junior high schools in Toyota City.
Our ambition is to support the planting of up to a million trees across Derbyshire by 2030 as part of our commitment to tackling climate change.
Derbyshire is the perfect place to explore for people of all abilities. Access Derbyshire is an initiative aimed at improving countryside access for all people.
Building materials should not be placed upon the highway, but should be contained within the construction site.
Young people continuing with education after the age of 16 will attend either school sixth forms, colleges of further education or tertiary colleges.
Under the provision of the Places of Worship Registration Act 1855, a congregation may apply for a building to be a certified building of worship.
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