433 results shown for search keyword school
We provide concessionary fares schemes for certain residents of Derbyshire. These include older and disabled people, young people and transport to school.
White Hall Outdoor Education Centre is a local education authority outdoor centre for schools and groups.
Get inspired with a visit to Buxton Museum and Art Gallery. We offer a range of learning and education opportunities for schools, families and groups.
Mainstream home to school transport, special educational needs and disabilities transport, and adult care transport privacy notice.
Section 251 (previously Section 52 of the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998) outturn statements about planned and actual expenditure.
Search our family information service for childcare, free nursery education and childcare that can pick up or drop off at your local school.
The pay policy statement sets out our policy on pay for senior managers and employees, excluding teachers and staff of local authority schools.
We provide statutory education to children who are at risk of, or have been permanently excluded from mainstream school, or who have SEND.
Grants are available for Derbyshire communities, schools, parishes and town councils, to plant trees, boost biodiversity and tackle climate change.
How we're meeting the Equality Duty including equality impact assessments, information about our residents and communities, and advice for schools.
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