2056 results shown for search keyword a
We can all reduce the amount of food we throw away. Tortillas are a tasty way to use up potatoes that are past their best, leftover cheese and cooked meats.
We have a legal duty to assess and cater for children and young people with special educational needs and work in partnership with schools.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Service service is one of our most complex and sensitive areas of work and each child's case is different.
Guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25.
Special educational needs panels meet regularly. Find out each panel's representatives and what each panel does.
Find out what each of our special educational needs support services does, how to be referred and how to contact them.
Chesterfield Local Studies Library special collections - Stephenson railway collection, Sitwell collection, Coal Collection, Coke-Steel Collection.
Mainstream home to school transport, special educational needs and disabilities transport, and adult care transport privacy notice.
As part of the county council's speed management plan, a 12-month trial is underway to test the effectiveness of interactive speed indicator devices (SIDs).
We're responsible for setting speed limits on all roads in the county, excluding Derby city and motorways and trunk roads.
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