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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Spending over £500

We're committed to making our finances clear and as part of this commitment we publish all our relevant spend with suppliers over £500.

The monthly report is attached to this page.

It lists all relevant supplier payments of £500 or more, excluding VAT.

To help you understand this report the following table explains the data in each column heading of the report.

A table to explain column headings in the attached spending report.
Column headingExplanation of data
Body name Name of the organisation making the payment
Body Code to identify the organisation making the payment
Service area categorisation The service area that has spent the money
Responsible unit The part of the council (departments) that made the payment
Expenses type Description of the type of expenditure
Date The date that the payment was processed by our payments system
Transaction number A reference number for each payment
Amount The actual value of the payment, excluding VAT
Supplier name The name of the supplier or organisation

Based on the latest government guidance, we exclude the following items:

  • payments from schools delegated budgets
  • payments to employees
  • member allowances (this information is published annually)
  • payments to HMRC for VAT, PAYE, National Insurance and pensions
  • financing and investment transactions

In a number of instances payments of a personal nature are shown but, for data protection reasons, the supplier name has been replaced with 'redacted personal data'.

If you would like further information on any data that has not been redacted, please submit your enquiry using the online enquiry form.