Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.
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We will act to remove the use of single-use plastic from our operations and services where practical.
Special educational needs panels meet regularly. Find out each panel's representatives and what each panel does.
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are ways of protecting against flooding in urbanised areas that are less able to deal with water.
Privacy notice for closed-circuit television (CCTV). We're committed to protecting your personal data and ensuring that it is processed fairly and lawfully.
Help available for Ukrainian nationals following the traumatic experience of fleeing their homeland during conflict.
Industrial and small business units and other properties we currently have available to let in the Chesterfield area.
If you wish to licence your venue to hold marriages and civil partnerships you'll need to apply for or renew an approved premises licence.
Our general approach to the sampling of food intended for human consumption and feed of non animal origin intended for consumption by farmed and pet animals.
Older people and some disabled people can use their Gold Card to get free off-peak travel on local buses anywhere in England. Check the terms and conditions.
All planning applications are now made online via the Planning Portal. Your planning applications can be submitted online.
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