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Material may be loaned to other organisations or to the depositor of the records, usually for the purposes of an exhibition or for legal reasons.
Your question may already have been answered in our guide so please make sure you read through the information carefully.
The person undertaking highways infrastructure safety inspections should be provided with training, regular updates and audited and accredited as competent.
A specialist team of investigators and LIASE officers working together across the country to stop loan sharks lending illegally and prosecuting them.
Out-of-hours emergency contacts for the public and agencies for social care for adults or children, emergency planning, highways emergencies and gas leaks.
It is a statutory requirement that all children in care aged 0 to 18 accessing education provision requires a personal education plan 3 times a year.
If you witnessed events or have information about a death that the coroner is investigating you may be asked to give evidence for an inquiry.
Privacy notice for the Place department: De-Carbonise grants - how we use and protect your personal information.
When wintry conditions hit you need to take extra care driving, riding a motorcycle or walking. We have some tips to keep you safe.
Information about attendance, children missing from education, exclusion and access, elective home education for children, parents and carers, and schools.
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