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Criteria used In deciding on admissions to community and voluntary controlled schools in Derbyshire,
This guide relates to the admission of children to reception classes and children who will transfer from infant school to junior school in September.
The programme offers a range of school holiday activities for children and young people across Derbyshire in the Easter, summer and Christmas school holidays.
Where to go and who to contact for more information about primary, infant and junior school admissions and early years education.
Revocation of prescribed lines under the Public Health Act and Road Improvement Act 1925, now Section 73 and 73 of the Highways Act 1980.
Early years' provider agreement service specification - key responsibilities.
Sandbags can be used to stop or limit flood water from entering buildings. We distribute empty sandbags out to district, town and parish councils.
Visit Tapton Lock visitor centre on the Chesterfield Canal, a countryside oasis close to the centre of Chesterfield.
The Derbyshire Schools Forum constitution including its functions, meetings, terms of office, elections and voting.
What to do if your child needs to move primary or junior school other than at the normal transfer time. This is called an in-year admission.
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