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Changing your child's primary or junior school at other times

What to do if your child needs to move school other than at the normal transfer time.

In-year applications for admission to school

You may want to apply for your child to change schools other than when they are due to start primary or junior education. This could be because of a change of address. These are known as in-year admissions.

Changing a child's school is a very important step to take. It can affect your child in many ways. Guidance notes are provided by us to help you through the in-year application process. It's important to read the notes before completing an application.

You can apply:

Some schools in Derbyshire will accept approaches direct, but may still require you to complete the application form. Schools are required to notify us of all applications and their outcomes.

If you want to apply for a place at a school in another council area you should contact the council where the school is located in the first instance.

Moving to Derbyshire

If you are moving from another area into Derbyshire we will treat your application as a 'home' request. You will need to provide evidence of exchange of contracts on the purchase of a property or a signed rental agreement.

Further evidence of residency may be required before an application is determined against the admissions criteria for the school.

Statements of Special Education Need or Education, Health and Care Plans

For children with statements of Special Educational Need or Education, Health and Care Plans, parents should contact us by email:

We do not deal with applications for places at independent schools.