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All 3 and 4-year-old children are entitled to universal early years entitlement funding and can receive up to 15 hours a week over 38 weeks of the year.
The school admissions code requires that each local authority must have a fair access protocol. Our fair access protocols for secondary and primary schools.
For secondary school transfer applications, we will keep a waiting list for oversubscribed schools in Derbyshire.
For primary and junior transfer applications, we'll maintain waiting lists for oversubscribed Derbyshire schools.
Early years' provider agreement service specification appendix 5 - early years' panel meeting.
Report damaged or faulty street furniture such as walls, fences, barriers, traffic lights, bollards, signs, street lights and crossings.
Ideas and tips for accessible days out in Derbyshire for carers.
Your child may need to move schools at a time other than when they start infant, junior, primary or secondary school. This may be because you're moving address.
We offer mental health training to increase awareness, knowledge and skills across Derbyshire. Find out about the courses on offer.
A child missing from education is a child or young person of compulsory school age who is not in receipt of a suitable education.
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