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Add or amend a right of way

We have a selection of powers available to alter the routes of public paths.

Public rights of way are recorded for each county across England and Wales on definitive maps and statements (DMS). These form the legal record of the paths within a county and their status as either a public footpath, public bridleway, restricted bridleway or byway open to all traffic.

The working copy of the definitive map for Derbyshire can be viewed at the Derbyshire Mapping Portal, this shows an up-to-date record of the public rights of way across the county.

In order to make any type of amendment to the DMS, one of 2 types of legal order must be made. Only once such an order has been confirmed and certified will the path be legally changed.

Changes to the path network without a legal order (‘unofficial’ diversions) can lead to multiple rights of way existing on a piece of land. You should contact us if you have any questions about paths on your land.

The types of order are Definitive Map Modification Orders and Public Path Orders.

Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO)

You can apply to amend the Definitive Map and Statement (DMS) if you have evidence to show that it should be changed to add a new public right of way, or to upgrade, downgrade or delete existing routes. You may also make an application to alter the Definitive Statement.

See our guidance on the process for making an application to amend the DMS.

Public Path Order (PPO)

PPOs are legal orders made under the Highways Act 1980 and Town & Country Planning Act 1990. They can be used where it appears that an amendment to the DMS is needed in the interest of the landowner or the public, or is needed to allow for development to take place.

We have more information about the types of PPO available, and guidance on how to apply.