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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Budgets and spending

Our finances, budgets and spending plans and how much we charge for council tax.

Our budgets and spending information includes:

  • how our spending is funded
  • how we propose to spend our budget across the range of services we provide
  • details of our spending and income across our services, per head of the Derbyshire population
  • a breakdown of the reasons for any increases to our charge for council tax
  • pressures which require additional budgetary resources in the financial year
  • how much we charge for council tax, including the amount attributable to the adult social care precept, based on a property’s valuation band
  • an archive of the budget books from 1999 to 2013 - the budget book is no longer being produced
  • our annual statement of accounts
  • our medium term financial plan - the plan establishes how resources will be allocated to reflect our priorities, whilst achieving a balanced budget
  • documented procedures for the proper administration of our financial affairs
  • payments made to suppliers which are over £500
  • rates of undisputed supplier invoices in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015
  • how electors can exercise their rights to inspect our accounts, question the auditor and formally object to the accounts