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Health services for people arriving from Ukraine

The NHS is prepared to welcome people arriving from the Ukraine and arrangements are already in place to provide interpreting services for information and advice and health appointments.

The NHS system can be very different to other healthcare systems across the world.

Many services are available from the NHS and getting to the right place for a condition or clinical need first time helps people to get the information, advice or treatment needed as quickly as possible.

You can get information explaining how the NHS works and how to access services translated into Ukrainian and Russian on the Doctors of the World website:

The NHS has collated a range of health information that is available in different languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. The topics include babies, cancer, heart health and mental health and wellbeing.

Everyone who is ordinarily resident in Ukraine and their immediate family members who are lawfully in the UK can access NHS care in England for free.

Some services still incur charges, like prescriptions, dentistry, and optometry – but guests from Ukraine may be eligible for reduced charges or free care for these services. Information about help with health costs is available in other languages.

Health information and advice is also available 24-hours a day from the NHS for free, telephone: 111. If an interpreter is required, guests can ask for an interpreter in their language by saying "interpreter please".

Get help and advice on PTSD and trauma available in Russian and Ukrainian on the Psychology Tools website.

Registering with a GP

Ukrainian arrivals can receive emergency treatment from a GP surgery for 14 days. After that, they will need to register with a GP.

Registering with a GP is important and individuals and families will be able to access a new patient consultation to look at their needs. Your guests won't need to provide proof of address, identity or immigration status when registering with a GP practice, but it's helpful if they're able to supply any documents.

Getting a prescription

Ukrainian nationals will need to visit their new GP to get a prescription. They should then take their prescription to a pharmacy or chemist to receive the medication. They may need to pay for prescription medicines. Pharmacists can give free advice on treating minor health problems, such as colds and coughs. Find a local pharmacy.


In England, most vaccinations are offered free on the NHS. Vaccinations can protect you throughout your life. To protect children as early as possible many vaccines are offered to babies and toddlers before they start school. As vaccinations are so well accepted in England, they're not mandatory.

Vaccines are the safest way for your guests to protect themselves and their family from serious infections.

Childhood vaccinations

Vaccinations are usually given by practice nurses at your GP practice. Practice nurses are specially trained to give advice and offer vaccines. The nurse will carefully check the medical history of your guest but, as long as the child is well, an examination by a doctor is not needed.

Older children are offered some vaccinations in school.

Vaccinations for adults

Vaccinations for adults are normally offered at your GP practice or pharmacy.

If your guest is unsure if they or their child have had all the vaccinations that are recommended in England they can check with their GP practice when they register.

It's never too late to catch-up on the vaccinations recommended in England.

Your guest will not need to pay for routine UK vaccinations.

From April 2022 anyone aged 5 and above is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination. Ukrainian nationals can get the COVID-19 vaccine and boosters for free through the NHS. Once registered with a GP they can book an appointment through the national booking service or telephone: 119 for free (once registered with a GP), or by attending a walk-in vaccination site. Find out how to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Read information about getting up-to date-on vaccinations when moving to the UK including links to translated versions.

Dentistry services

Ukrainian nationals can register with a dentist as either an NHS patient or a private patient. Find a dentist.

If your guest is receiving Universal Credit they should let the practice know and register as an NHS patient. Check-ups and necessary treatments will be free.

Regular dental check-ups are preferable to waiting until there are dental issues. If urgent dental help is needed, telephone: 111.

Maternity care and midwifery services

A GP can arrange appointments with maternity and midwifery services. Children under the age of 5 are supported by the health visiting team and a referral to the team should be made by the GP.

Sexual health services

Derbyshire Sexual Health Services offers a confidential service for sexual health needs including providing contraception and services to help treat and prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STIs).

Services are available for all ages in clinics across Derbyshire, with some services (over 16s) also available online.

Find out more about Derbyshire Sexual Health Services or telephone: 0800 328 3383 for free.

Bringing pets into the UK from Ukraine

There are certain legal requirements which must be complied with when bringing your pet to the UK from Ukraine.

Infections from animals to humans

A number of infections can be transmitted by animals. Two of the most important to consider in the current circumstances for animals imported from Ukraine are rabies and, in dogs, canine brucellosis (Brucella canis).

Anyone bitten or scratched by any animal should clean the wound immediately with soap and water and seek medical advice promptly.

In the case of exposure to animals from Ukraine or surrounding countries, people should seek medical attention promptly and let the medical professional know where the animal came from. All exposures require a risk assessment for rabies post-exposure treatment, even if they have already had rabies vaccine previously.

Owners of imported animals from Ukraine should seek urgent veterinary advice if the animal displays unusual behaviour or symptoms.