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Getting help for mental health and emotional wellbeing for Ukrainian nationals

There is help available if you think your guest needs support following the traumatic experience of fleeing their homeland during conflict. It is important to speak to someone as soon as possible so they can get the support they need.

Support for children and young people

Children and young people can get advice and support from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health service (CAMHS). CAMHS offer support for young people's mental health and wellbeing in Derbyshire.

CAMHS is a group of professionals from a variety of backgrounds, all skilled in working with children and young people with mental health issues. The teams are multi-disciplinary and contain a wide range of different professionals and skill mixes.

The core CAMHS team offer assessment and treatment of a variety of mental health problems in children and young people including anxiety, depression, ADHD and psychosis. They also provide support for young people with moderate and severe learning disabilities who also have challenging behaviours and / or mental health problems.

Any child, young person, parent or professional can contact the service:

Mental health support for adults

Adults can get advice and support from the Derbyshire mental health helpline and support service. This service helps people who are experiencing mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. They provide practical advice on how to access appropriate local services.

If a mental health need is more severe, they will advise on the best next steps to ensure you get help as soon as possible.

Get mental health support in a crisis.

Getting support for a vulnerable adult

Our adult social care service aims to help vulnerable adults stay healthy, well and safe. Adults who have fled Ukraine may be vulnerable or at risk of harm or exploitation and it is our responsibility to help maintain the health, well-being and safety of our guests.

If you are concerned that a vulnerable adult may be experiencing, or be at risk of, abuse or neglect, telephone: 999 in an emergency. If you would like to discuss your concerns, contact Call Derbyshire, telephone: 01629 533190, from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday, from 9.30am to 4pm on Saturdays.

Find out who can access adult social care services.

For more adult social care and health services please contact Call Derbyshire, email: or telephone: 01629 533190.

If you need help to access health and social care services, visit Healthwatch Derbyshire.

The Derbyshire Local Offer is an information, support and advice service for children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs or disabilities.

Getting support for a vulnerable child

Witnessing and being forced to flee from a conflict will, undoubtedly, place great stresses on children, and may well create difficulties within family relationships and the ability to settle in a place of safety.

Our children's services strive to keep children safe and well. If necessary, we will intervene if a child is suffering to offer both them and their parents help and support. This might be if a parent is too unwell to look after their child, or if their child has additional or special needs.

Find a children or family support service

There are a range of children and family services, within the county. They cover a range of needs, including bereavement and loss, mental health, children with disabilities, and caring for someone else's child.

Request support for more complex needs

If you have concerns about a child's wellbeing, you, or their parent or carer, can make a request for intensive support.

This might include:

  • if a child is at risk of harm or neglect
  • if they have significant behavioural difficulties
  • if family members are involved in crime, substance misuse or domestic violence

Get support for families and early help.

If you have serious concerns about a child's welfare

If you are worried that a child is being abused, neglected or has been abandoned, contact Starting Point, our contact and referral service for children.

If a child or young person is in immediate danger telephone: 999.

If you're concerned that a child is suffering or is at risk of significant harm, contact Call Derbyshire immediately, telephone: 01629 533190.

Read more about the issues affecting the safety and welfare of children at the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Partnership website.

Being safe

Organisations across Derbyshire can help people to be safe, particularly in difficult circumstances where they may be more vulnerable. People are available to help with issues like abuse, trafficking, modern slavery and hate crimes.

There is more advice on the Safer Derbyshire and the Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board websites.