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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Job families

There are 18 job families which help improve our structure and flexibility.

They will help you find opportunities to develop your career and help with planning for the future.

The 18 job families relate to jobs that have been through job evaluation grading.

What is a job family

A job family is a group of jobs with common features.

Each job family contains a number of levels, each reflecting different job outputs, skills, knowledge and experience.

Although the level of responsibility, skill or competence required to do the work may be different, the essential nature of the activities carried out and basic skills used are similar.

The number of levels will vary for each job family depending on the scope and range of responsibilities.

Each of the levels in a job family corresponds to a grade and each has a role profile.

There are many benefits for developing job families, these include:

  • providing a career development framework - especially when linked to competencies
  • improving the way we describe jobs and measure results
  • providing a clear transparent approach to roles
  • helping us modernise the way we work
  • simplifying the job evaluation process
  • helping us ensure consistency and equity in pay
  • supporting workforce development

Each of our 18 job families has a job family lead who will provide professional leadership for the family.

The job family leads have been involved in the development of their own family and allocation of jobs to it.

Role profiles

These describe the typical responsibilities, knowledge, skills and experience required of jobs at a particular level in a job family.

Each level within a family equates to a grade in the pay and grading structure.

The role profile explains the purpose of the roles within the grade and what is expected of a person at that grade, if they are to do a good job.

Job families and role profiles do not mean changes to your terms and conditions of employment such as base location or working patterns. Nor does it mean your manager or the work you do will change. You may belong in one family and your manager in another.

Job titles have been simplified as part of the move to job families.

Job and person profiles

All vacancies will be advertised using job and person profiles which will only be used during recruitment to inform applicants about a vacancy.

They describe key result areas rather than detailed tasks and incorporate relevant information from the existing job description, person specification (where up to date) and job family role profile.

Job families and Map of job families to pay structure are attached to this page.

If you have any questions please contact your manager or departmental Resourcing Manager.