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Gender pay gap 2022

Gender pay gap reporting legislation requires employers with 250 or more employees to publish statutory calculations every year showing how large the pay gap is between their male and female employees.

We've published our gender pay gap data as at 31 March 2022 on

Gender pay gap from 2017:
YearMean hourly rate femaleMean hourly rate maleMean gapMedian hourly rate femaleMedian hourly rate maleMedian gap
2017 £11.54 £13.36 13.7% £9.00 £12.06 25.4%
2018 £11.87 £13.58 12.5% £9.78 £12.18 19.7%
2019 £12.15 £13.73 11.5% £9.95 £12.43 20%
2020 £12.76 £14.24 10.4% £10.75 £12.68 15.2%
2021 £13.60 £15.38 11.6% £11.73 £13.67 14.2%
2022 £13.93 £15.78 11.7% £11.93 £14.35 16.9%

Our (mean) pay gap stands at 11.7%. The mean can be defined as the average of employee hourly rate, in other words females mean hourly rate is 11.7% lower than male employees.

Our (median) pay gap stands at 16.9%. The median can be defined as the middle number in a ranked list of hourly rates, in other words females median hourly rate is 16.9% lower than male employees.

Our job evaluation scheme ensures that all jobs are evaluated and graded consistently to ensure equal pay for work of equal value, regardless of gender. We currently have a gender pay gap of 11.6% however, this is not due to female employees being paid less than male employees for undertaking equivalent work. The main factor is due to the types of jobs available, particularly lower paid part time roles that attract predominantly female applicants, such as catering, library assistants and care workers.

You can find the distribution of male and female employees by grade on our pay scales attached to this page.

Pay quartiles by hourly pay rates

Our workforce is predominantly female and the table shows the numbers and percentages of male and female employees in each of the pay quartiles.

Pay quartiles by hourly pay rates
QuartileCount femaleCount maleTotal% female% male
Quartile 1 (high) 1551 656 2207 70% 30%
Quartile 2 1524 683 2207 69% 31%
Quartile 3 1784 423 2207 81% 19%
Quartile 4 (low) 1985 219 2204 90% 10%
Total 6844 1981 8825 78% 22%

Bonus pay gap

We do not pay any bonuses.

Reducing the gender pay gap

We are committed to equality of opportunity and supports the fair treatment and reward of all employees irrespective of gender.

Pay grades vary according to the level of responsibility of the job which is underpinned by the council's job evaluation scheme ensuring employees within the council receive equal pay for work of equal value in line with requirements of the Equality Act 2010.

We are committed to reducing the gender pay gap and is focusing actions on the 5 key people priorities aligned with the council's people strategy.

Attract and retain the best people in the most effective way possible

Implementing transparent recruitment and selection processes that reinforce our commitment to equality and diversity within the workforce.

Recruiting across multiple platforms including, social media, our website and appropriate advertising to reach out to potential candidates from all parts of the community.

Promoting our hybrid working approach and flexitime policies within our overall employee value proposition, which allow job candidates and existing employees the ability to manage work and caring responsibilities in line with business need.

Reviewing the recruitment and selection procedure to identify opportunities for improvement or any potential barriers for people with protected characteristics.

Promote diversity and inclusion, enable responsive workforce plans and develop credible reward strategies

Delivering a programme of diversity and inclusion initiatives through the equality, diversity and inclusion workforce work stream, placing diversity and inclusion at the centre of our employee processes and procedures to support our ambition to become an employer of choice.

Providing employees the opportunity to join a trade union or one of our employee networks; black and ethnic minority ethnic employee network, the dis-ability inclusion network, the pride network or the women's network; raising awareness of the role of the networks across the council.

A fair pay structure underpinned by a robust job evaluation methodology, to ensure jobs of equal value receive equal pay which underpins our reward strategies.

Flexible working arrangements and support for parents and carers through a range of family friendly employment policies.

Reviewing our equalities workforce and recruitment data to identify trends within the current workforce on recruitment, selection, progression and retention, in order to recommend action to improve workforce diversity.

Delivering an annual communication and engagement plan to raise awareness around equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Engage, nurture and develop our people and our future potential

Regular reviews of employee progress through management one-to-ones, supervision and employee performance development reviews

The provision of training and learning interventions to help our people grow and develop.

The development and introduction of employee behaviours and competencies to support leaders to deliver their roles in the best possible way.

Commencing the review and further development of our equality, diversity and inclusion training offer to our employees to ensure it is meaningful and engaging.

Enable organisational transformation and effective employee relations

We create a positive employee relations environment with employees and trade union partners with a focus on improving employee engagement, listening to colleagues views and enabling them to resolve at a local level and escalating issues which need a corporate approach.

Regularly reviewing our policies and practices to embed equality and diversity in line with legislation and good practice.

Carrying out equality impact assessments on organisation change programmes.

Implementation of the diversity and inclusion strategy within departments.

Employee networks and the trade unions regularly work with our management teams to improve working conditions within the council and to promote equality and diversity.

Procedures to protect employees from any kind of harassment or bullying.

Ensure the wellbeing and safety of our people

A range of services to support and enable our employees when they need adjustments where they work, or if they become unwell to help them to return to work feeling supported and valued.

We are refreshing our wellbeing strategy to ensure we have a robust and consistent wellbeing offer that focuses on the needs of our workforce. The current offer will be consolidated into one easy to access offer. Our wellbeing initiatives will have equality and diversity as key principles and these will be informed by local and national data.

We are currently working across the wider Joined Up Care Derbyshire wellbeing system to develop a menopause policy and specific wellbeing support female colleagues in their employment. A 2019 survey conducted by the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) found that 3 in 5 menopausal women - usually aged between 45 and 55 were negatively affected at work and that almost 900,000 women in the UK left their jobs over an undefined period of time because of menopausal symptoms. This could mean that women are leaving businesses "at the peak of their experience" which will "impact productivity". Women in this age group are likely to be eligible for senior management roles, and so their exit can lessen diversity at executive levels. It can also contribute to the gender pay-gap and feed into a disparity in pensions.