Local sexual health support services
The National 'You're Welcome' guidance suggests doing some initial research into other projects and services in the area that support young people's health and wellbeing.
The Young Person's Relationship and Sexual Health Partnership have created a list of local health and wellbeing services that support young people:
- Breakout is a drug and alcohol service for young people
- Change Grow Live offers free and confidential service for young people, under the age of 19, who are using drugs or alcohol and want some support, email derbyshire@cgl.org.uk or telephone: 01773 303 646
- Chat Health is a confidential text messaging service for young people, providing advice and support from healthcare professionals, text: 07507 330025 (Derbyshire) or text: 07507 327104 (Derby)
- Childline is a free helpline open 24 hours a day, telephone: 0800 11 11
- Derby and Derbyshire Sexual Health Service offers relationships and sexual health advice, free STI testing, contraception, PrEP and PEP, email dchst.yoursexualhealthmatters@nhs.net or telephone: 0800 328 3383
- Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline is for those who are experiencing domestic abuse, telephone: 08000 198 668 or text: 07534 617 252
- Derbyshire LGBT+ supports anyone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, or anyone who is having issues with their sexual orientation or gender identity, email info@derbyshirelgbt.org.uk or telephone: 01332 207 704
- Derbyshire Mental Health Support Helpline is a freephone service available to everyone living in Derbyshire - both young people and adults. It's open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, telephone: 0800 028 0077
- Derbyshire Victims Service supports young people who have been a victim of crime, email support@dvssupport.org or telephone: 0800 6126 505 or text: DVS to 82228
- Fumble is an award-winning youth charity in the UK, leading the way in supporting young people with their mental health, sexual health and relationships in the digital age.
- Kooth is free, safe and anonymous mental health and emotional wellbeing online support for young people aged 11 to 25
- Safe and Sound aims to prevent the exploitation of young people, email info@safeandsoundgroup.org.uk or telephone: 01332 362120
- Safe Speak is a counselling and emotional health service, email info@safespeak.org.uk or telephone: 01332 349177
- SV2 supports victims of sexual violence, email help@sv2.org.uk or telephone: 01773 746 115