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Suicide prevention

Our work on suicide prevention and how to get help if you're feeling suicidal.

The effects of suicide can be devastating. Many people - friends, family, professionals, colleagues and wider society - will feel the impact.

We believe that too many people die from suicide in Derbyshire. We also believe that in many cases deaths may have been prevented if warning signs were recognised and appropriate support provided.

We have formed the Derbyshire Self-harm and Suicide Prevention Partnership Forum so that organisations from across the county can work together and help tackle the issue of suicide.

Our partnership vision is:

“In Derby and Derbyshire we will work together to promote positive mental health and wellbeing and inspire hope, so as few people as possible struggle with distress and despair, experience self-harm or die from suicide.”

Read our suicide prevention strategy.

We live in very challenging times and we know that the reasons why someone may choose to take their own life can be extremely complex.

There is no single organisation that can address all the factors that may contribute towards a suicide. That's why it is everyone's responsibility to help reduce suicides in Derbyshire.

Find out more about our free suicide awareness training provided by Zero Suicide Alliance.

We commission free mental health training, including suicide awareness training, throughout Derbyshire. These courses are available to those who live or work in Derbyshire.

Getting help

If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal there are people you can talk to:

Youth support

The following organisations support young people:

  • Papyrus Suicide Prevention can help support young people by providing text support services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and lots of online resources and support
  • Young Minds offers support for young people, parents, carers and people that work or volunteer with them

For further help and advice read about the support you can get in a crisis.