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Mental health services and therapies

If you're worried about your mental health, or that of someone close to you, you should make an appointment to see a doctor.

Your doctor will assess your circumstances and offer appropriate advice or treatment. They may refer you to a psychological therapy service or a specialist mental health service for further advice or treatment.

Talking therapies

A common treatment for mental health issues are talking therapies, including counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

Around 600,000 adults are benefiting from psychological therapies in England every year. These therapies involve talking to a wellbeing practitioner or therapist, either one-to-one, in a group or with family and friends.

The NHS has more information about the benefits of talking therapies. You can either self-refer to these services, or your GP will refer you. All 4 providers offer exactly the same service across Derbyshire so who you are referred to is entirely your choice.

Talking therapy providers in Derbyshire:

NHS Derby and Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group have up-to-date information about the 4 providers and the Talking Therapies service across Derbyshire.

Social care enablement support

If you're struggling to cope with day-to-day life due to your mental health then our adult care workers may be able to help you.

They can help with practical things like welfare benefits, housing, employment, accessing community activities and assisting you to get over any difficulties you may be experiencing that are impacting on your day-to-day life. The leaflet attached to this page explains more about the service.

Call Derbyshire is the first point of contact for most enquiries, email or telephone: 01629 533190 and ask for the enablement service.

Advocacy services

If you're having difficulties voicing what you want to say or being listened to in relation to accessing or using mental health services then you may be able to get support from an independent community advocate.

If you or someone you know has been sectioned under the Mental Health Act independent specialist advocacy is available to provide support in understanding your legal rights and being heard in relation to your care and treatment. You have to meet certain criteria in order to have this specialist advocacy service.

If someone lacks capacity to make their own decisions then the independent mental capacity advocacy service can represent their views and wishes.

We have more information about advocacy support in Derbyshire.