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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Adult care commissioning services

We're responsible for commissioning a range of services from the voluntary sector and other providers to support our statutory requirements.

We work closely with our colleagues in contracting to make sure we enable the development of a vibrant, diverse and sustainable market for high quality care and support.

We make sure the market reflects the diversity of our local population and offers choice to everyone, whether those services are arranged and paid for by adult social care, through direct payments or are paid for by individuals themselves.

To support our statutory responsibilities under the Care Act in relation to market shaping, we produce a number of market position statements. These documents are regularly updated and summarise the latest opportunities for providers to work with us in Derbyshire.

Adult care commissioning team

The adult care commissioning team helps deliver against the strategic priorities outlined in the adult care service plan and the Council Plan as well as a range of services which allow us to meet the statutory requirements of the Care Act.

The team's approach is to plan, commission, implement and review services through the commissioning cycle. Our ambitions, values and outcomes are to develop and deliver services in conjunction with a range of stakeholders. This includes joint commissioning opportunities with health, housing and the voluntary sector.

The commissioning team upholds a number of key principles which we work to across all commissioning activity. We:

  • utilise an outcomes based commissioning approach, with a focus on promoting, maintaining and enhancing independence
  • have a person centred approach and will build services around the values of rights independence, dignity, choice and inclusion
  • will work 'with' people rather than 'do to' and will adopt a collaborative ethos through all our commissioning approaches
  • are focused on enabling people to access a network of community based support that helps them to stay independent and safe
  • have a clear focus on prevention and work with partners to identify people who may be at risk of reaching crisis point
  • will co-produce provision of support and desired outcomes in partnership with people, their family and carers
  • will develop a culture that supports people to make their own choices and where appropriate positively manage risk
  • expect services to respond flexibly to changes in need so that appropriate levels of support can be provided
  • work together with communities and organisations using asset-based approaches to unlock potential and build social capital
  • continually utilise data, intelligence and learning to improve what we do and how we do it
  • work positively, proactively and collaboratively with partners and providers

Here's a summary of the main work areas for the commissioning team:

  • assistive technology - Natalie Davidson
  • building the right support - Claire Gough
  • carers and advocacy - Jude Boyle
  • dementia, home from hospital and sensory services - Phil Wall
  • housing related services - Diana Higton
  • integrated community equipment and learning disabilities - Steve Ball
  • mental health and neurodiversity - Martin Stanier
  • better care fund - Robert Hayward

For any general queries for the commissioning team, or for enquiries about which services are currently commissioned, email: or telephone: 01629 533190.