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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Return a Blue Badge

If the person who was issued with a Blue Badge no longer needs it, please let us know.

You must return a badge securely to us if:

  • it has expired
  • your medical condition or mobility improves and you are no longer eligible
  • a replacement badge has been issued for one that is lost or stolen and the original is found or recovered - the original badge must be returned
  • it becomes damaged or faded and is illegible
  • it is no longer required, for example if you're confined to the house
  • the badge holder has died

Please return the badge with a note explaining why it is being returned to:

Blue Badge Team
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall

If you use the badge when you no longer need it you may be fined up to £1,000.

If a Blue Badge holder has died

If the person who was issued with a Blue Badge has died please let us know. We'll amend our records so that no more correspondence is sent. Contact Call Derbyshire telephone: 01629 533190.

You must return the badge to us.