Aims of the service
The service aims to:
- prevent or delay the need for people to use home care services
- reduce the level of home care services needed by clients who need ongoing support
- reduce the number of clients who are admitted to hospital or a care home
- make sure clients are discharged from hospital in a timely manner
- provide a rapid response for clients in a crisis situation
Our service
The service aims to help you do things for yourself rather than having things done for you, to encourage independence.
People who are assessed as being able to benefit from short-term care will, subject to service availability, be referred to one of our area home care teams for a period of assessment.
The service will also be available to people who are already receiving support arranged by us, but whose needs have changed significantly, and where assessment identifies short-term care and support would be beneficial.
The service is free at the point of entry and you may be entitled to financial assistance to help pay the cost of any ongoing care.
Once a full assessment has been undertaken and long-term needs are established, you will be subject to community funding and will need a full financial assessment.
You'll need to pay towards the cost or full cost of an ongoing package of care from the day that you are assessed as being liable to community funding charges. Your assessor will provide full details at your assessment.
You'll be actively supported and encouraged to take part as fully as possible in deciding how short term care services can support you. This will be achieved by looking at what is important to you and what you'd like to achieve. Outcomes could include, for example, improving self-care, regaining domestic skills, and building self-confidence.
The service will be flexible and responsive to your needs. Support packages are personalised to take account of your lifestyle, preferences and choices.
The role of family members and carers will be respected and valued, and the importance of their contribution to short-term care is fully recognised.
While receiving the short-term service, the support required will also be continuously. As soon as it is felt that your full potential for independence has been reached, the service will cease. If at the end of your short-term care period, ongoing care and support needs are identified, longer-term services will be arranged.
Outcomes for service users
More people will be supported to improve their independence and quality of life.
More people will be able to have choice and control over the services they need.
The needs of those who require ongoing care will be more accurately identified before making decisions about longer-term care needs.
Access the service
Access to the short-term care service is subject to an assessment. Please contact Call Derbyshire telephone: 01629 533190.