What brokers do:
- find service providers who can meet your needs and choices
- give information about service providers, for example, costs of the service, registration details, star ratings or whether the provider can meet your specific preferences
- arrange the service for you if you have a personal budget and have had your support plan agreed by your social worker
- give information about different types of support available from the statutory, independent and voluntary sector
- give information about a range of different services - day services care, home care, residential and nursing care homes
Watch our adult care brokerage service video for a more in-depth look into our brokerage service.
Brokers match service providers with your choices and preferences. If you cannot find the information about buying services you are looking for on this website, please contact us.
Contact us
If you'd like some help in finding providers and other resources, you can contact us telephone: 01629 537763 or 01629 537758. You do not need to have had a social care assessment to be able to contact us.
If you've had a social care assessment, your social worker can speak to us on your behalf, or you can contact us directly yourself.
You can contact us:
- if you wish to buy social care services yourself, and would like some information about providers
- if you've had an assessment of your social care needs and been given a personal budget - you must have indicated in your support plan that you want to use social care services to help meet your outcomes
- on behalf of people wishing to find services
- for information only, or we can help you find an appropriate service, based on the information you give to us
Request a call back from the brokerage team