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Autism is a lifelong development condition that affects the way a person communicates, interacts and processes information.

Local services and information

The following websites contain information about autism for autistic people, their support networks, carers, professionals, and those who wish to learn more.

The Autism Information and Advice Service

The Autism Information and Advice Service provides accessible information about autism and the support and services available locally. Anybody can access the service including autistic people, those awaiting an autism diagnosis, those who are self-identify as being an autistic person, their families, friends, carers, support networks, professionals, and anybody else who would like to learn more about autism or local autism provision.

Additionally, the service provides a series of in-person drop-in events across Derbyshire and Derby. It also hosts the local Autism Alliance where members of the autistic community, their families, friends, and carers, along with professionals, can come together, share their experiences of autism and feed into the development of autism services in Derby and Derbyshire. It also provides support and training for local professionals and businesses seeking to develop their understanding of autism or to support autistic employees.

The Derbyshire Autism Information and Advice Service is free and available to residents of Derbyshire and Derby. It's provided by Citizen's Advice Mid-Mercia:

Organisations can book onto an online Autism Awareness course.

Living Well with Autism courses for autistic people, their families, carers, and support networks

If you are an autistic person, or support an autistic person, you may be interested in a new programme that's been commissioned by us and is being jointly delivered by Derbyshire Autism Services and Neurodiverse Self Advocacy.

The free, 6-session programme is designed to support autistic people - including those waiting for an autism diagnosis or who self-identify as an autistic person - as well as their families, carers, and support networks.

The sessions have been developed by and are facilitated by autistic people and features online and face-to-face sessions on a range of subjects, including:

  • wellbeing and health advice
  • rights and reasonable adjustments
  • accessing support networks
  • guest speakers
  • question-and-answer sessions

To book a place on the Living well with Autism trainingemail or email

Living Well with Autism courses for frontline services and improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT) practitioners

Would learning about autism help you and your organisation better support autistic people? If it would, you may be interested in the 2 new free training programmes called Living Well with Autism for frontline professionals, which have been commissioned by us and are being jointly delivered by Derbyshire Autism Services and Neurodiverse Self Advocacy.

The 2 different courses have been co-developed by and are facilitated by autistic people and are designed to give you the skills to support and help autistic people. The 2 free bespoke courses are available to frontline professionals and IAPT practitioners and the monthly sessions will cover a wide range of topics including:

  • creating autism-friendly environments
  • understanding other conditions that can affect autistic people
  • where you can find help and support

For more information:

Autism East Midlands

Autism East Midlands have lots of information about autism as well as support services for autistic adults and children. The website also includes details of specialist local events and training.

For more information:

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust provide health services to children and families, people with a learning disability, people experiencing mental health issues, and people with substances misuse needs. Telephone: 01332 623700.

National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society have lots of information to support autistic people, including an online community where people can chat and share ideas. They also have a helpline offering specialist advice:


The NHS has a wide range of information about autism on their website.

Information for schools

Schools and maintained early years settings can refer to Inclusion Support Advisory Service (ISAS)for advice around individual pupils and training.

The Derbyshire Autism Partnership Board

The Derbyshire Autism Partnership Board brings together autistic people, their parents, carers, the voluntary sector, local health and social care professionals, local authorities, and other services to work with commissioners to develop and improve services for autistic people of all ages across Derbyshire and Derby, as well as to raise awareness of autism, and to support the delivery of the action plan for the Derbyshire Health and Social Care All Age Autism Strategy 2023 to 2028.

The Derbyshire Autism Partnership Board meets over Microsoft Teams 4 times per year and is looking to engage further with autistic people, their families, carers, and support networks.

For more information, email

The board worked together to create leaflets and posters to help other professionals, employers, and anyone else with an interest to better understand autism. The leaflets and posters are attached to this page:

  • understanding autism
  • understanding autism ageing
  • top tips for communication with someone with autism (poster)
  • small changes can make a big difference to someone with autism (poster)

You can order printed copies by email

Experts by Experience meetings

In conjunction with the Derbyshire Autism Partnership Board, there is an Experts by Experience meeting. In the context of this meeting, an Expert by Experience can be described an autistic person, someone who has personal experience of autism, or someone who provides care or support to an autistic person.

These meetings are a safe space for Experts by Experience to meet and discuss issues that they would like to raise at the Autism Partnership Board. Professionals can attend these meetings by invite for discussion or feedback.

These meetings are held over Microsoft Teams 4 times per year, and they are facilitated by the integrated care board (ICB).

For more information, email