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We can all reduce the amount of food we throw away. Here's a great recipe to use up potatoes, bacon or ham. There's even a way to use up bagged lettuce!
Material may be loaned to other organisations or to the depositor of the records, usually for the purposes of an exhibition or for legal reasons.
The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (the 'CROW Act') requires every local highway authority and national park authority to establish an advisory body.
Under the Flood and Water Management Act (2010) we are required to develop, maintain, apply and monitor a local flood risk management strategy.
If you've been through all stages of our complaints procedure, you can ask the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman to review your complaint.
Derbyshire Pension Fund administers the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) on behalf of Derbyshire County Council.
There are currently 3 local learning disability partnership boards across Derbyshire with elected reps who have a learning disability, or who are family carers.
Local nature recovery strategies are a new system of spatial strategies for nature and environmental improvement across England.
Local nature reserves are managed for the benefit of both people and wildlife. We now manage 13 sites within Derbyshire.
We hold an extensive collection of local newspapers. You can read most of them, on microfilm, in Derbyshire libraries.
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