1017 results shown for search keywords primary school request for a place
The admission arrangements for maintained schools in Derbyshire and admission policies for voluntary aided, foundation and academy schools.
Occasionally some or all Chesterfield schools may be affected by total or partial closures. Find out which schools are closed in the Chesterfield area.
A school travel plan (STP) is a document setting out a package of measures to reduce the number of car trips made to schools by pupils, parents and staff.
Occasionally some or all Bolsover schools may be affected by total or partial closures. Find out which schools are currently closed in the Bolsover area.
Occasionally some or all Erewash schools may be affected by total or partial closures. Find out which schools are currently closed in the Derbyshire Dales area.
We provide health and safety advice and guidance to schools that purchase our service and to our children's services.
Pay a school penalty notice. Please pay all of the penalty notices issued to you in full quoting each individual penalty notice number.
In Derbyshire we are proud to have over 100 school crossing patrol sites. Our dedicated and friendly patrols are on duty during term time, whatever the weather.
List of the members of the Derbyshire Schools Forum including school and non-school members.
A description of the admissions criteria for different types of secondary schools.
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