279 results shown for search keyword business
We've developed a destination plan to improve the local visitor economy in North Derbyshire and North Nottinghamshire.
Our timeline showing everything we've done so far, or are currently working on to tackle climate change.
Find out about the residents' parking schemes operating in Derbyshire town centres, and how to apply for or renew a parking permit.
Privacy notice for the Place department, Vision Derbyshire Economic Management Board: Start-Up Programme.
Early years' provider agreement service specification appendix 3 - invoicing.
Employers have certain legal obligations supporting breastfeeding mothers. By law employers must provide a suitable place for breastfeeding mothers to rest.
We are run by democratically elected councillors and we are responsible for making decisions on behalf of our community about local services.
Derbyshire's Heartwood Community Forest is being created along the eastern fringe of Derbyshire and through southern Derbyshire, joining the National Forest.
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
We're leading a project to create a community forest, known as 'Derbyshire's Heartwood Community Forest'
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