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Carbon zero - the journey so far

Since agreeing our climate change strategy in 2021, we've developed and delivered projects under different theme headings.

Our climate change strategy summary attached to this page outlines the main themes, and the actions we're taking to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions over the next few years. You can find out about our current climate change priorities.


Sustainable transport and travel:

  • worked with partners on a project to make it easier for people to car share and 'rent out' their private electric vehicle charge points, with funding from Midlands Connect
  • set up an electric mobility scooter scheme to encourage access for all at our countryside sites
  • added additional electric vans and electric cars to our fleet as well as ensuring that most of our fleet is now Clean Air Zone compliant
  • supported a 2-year hydrogen refuse collection truck programme to explore the potential that hydrogen can make to decarbonising heavy transport in and around the county
  • invested in the county's Key Cycle Network to promote active travel
  • assessed all the county's train and bus stations to see whether we can improve cycling and walking links at each one
  • launched a project to look at rolling out e-bike hire in the Peak Park area
  • worked with job centres to offer sustainable travel advice and incentives to jobseekers
  • launched a project to increase the number of people taking up cycle training
  • launched a sustainable travel strategy for schools to provide healthier, more environmentally-sustainable ways of travel to school as a viable option to travelling by car
  • supported the implementation of air quality management areas to reduce transport pollutant emissions in specific areas of Derbyshire
  • through our Bus Service Improvement Programme, supported a new fleet of 57 electric buses for North East Derbyshire
  • began working in partnership with district and borough councils and private enterprise to install 1,000 electric vehicle charge points across the county by 2025

Waste reduction and food sustainability:

Renewable energy and energy efficient buildings and homes:

  • produced a Spatial Energy Study (attached to this page) to better understand the renewable energy opportunities available across the county
  • launched a consultation to find out what support private homeowners in Derbyshire need to improve the energy efficiency of their homes
  • developed design standards for new-build and refurbishments on our own estate

Natural environment and biodiversity:

  • worked with partners to maintain and create more wildflower-friendly verges and agree a co-ordinated approach for the management of roadside verges as they can be a valuable haven for wildlife
  • developed a significant tree and woodland strategy as well as a target for a million trees by 2030
  • gained funding for Derbyshire's Heartwood Community Forest in partnership with the National Forest on the eastern fringes of Derbyshire

Business and industry:

  • developed the Green Entrepreneurs Fund programme offering grants to small and medium-sized businesses to kick-start the county's carbon reduction agenda and boost local businesses, including a fund to up-skill the workforce
  • supported Derbyshire businesses to cut their carbon emissions through the DE-Carbonise programme
  • held a Tackling Climate Change Together summit in March 2020, attended by more than 150 people from local businesses, housing developers, councils and other public bodies

Community climate change engagement:

Planning and land use:

Find out what you can do to help cut carbon emissions.