293 results shown for search keyword request
Resources include a small collection of books for loan about the local area and Derbyshire, and a reserve collection of both loan and reference materials.
This publication scheme commits us to make information available to the public as part of our normal business activity.
If you have not been offered an interview within 5 weeks of the closing date, please assume that on this occasion you have not been successful.
Early years' provider agreement service specification appendix 1 - legal requirements.
Adult care information, publications, leaflets and fact sheets and how to get them in easy read, large print, Braille, audio and other languages.
Roadworks throughout the county are carried out mainly by us, utility companies, developers and contractors working on behalf of these organisations.
Information about the Buxton learning and training centre including facilities and opening times and how to contact us.
We're looking to offer park concessions, subject to informal tender. Trading concessions may require a street trading licence.
Report damaged or faulty street furniture such as walls, fences, barriers, traffic lights, bollards, signs, street lights and crossings.
A description of the admissions criteria for different types of primary, infant and junior schools and list of the schools to which they apply.
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