1017 results shown for search keywords primary school request for a place
For school places for children with a statement of special educational need or an education health and care plan, parents should contact us.
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We consider that in almost all cases a child's individual needs can be met by schools without accelerated or delayed admission to another year group.
What to do if your child needs to move primary or junior school other than at the normal transfer time. This is called an in-year admission.
Privacy notices for the Place department - how we use and protect your personal information.
View a list of fees and charges for all services, licences, permits and data provided by the economy, transport and environment department.
The Primary Authority Partnership scheme is available to all businesses, trade associations and similar groups of businesses.
The information in the parents' guide pages explains how you can apply for a primary school place for your child.
Use our online form to register your interest in the careers service or to request a call back.
This guide relates to the admission of children to reception classes and children who will transfer from infant school to junior school in September.
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